Eat You Up

Eat You Up

- BoA -


Vince Hong was in the penthouse watching a talk show featuring his future wife. In fact, that night he was watching with Eva Lee while cuddling in the living room. Just the two of them, as Mr. Lee was in his room and Winny was out taking care of something.

"Your words are so cool, honey... I've even watched your Yutub vlogs, they're so cool," Vince Hong praised while the screen was still showing the commercials.

Eva Lee smiled as her hand continued to stroke Miu Miu, who was snuggled on her lap. "I'm just doing what I have to do. Since Mama fought to keep Alvito away from me, now it's my turn to keep Mama away from severe punishment."

"The other two guests seem to be trying to outdo you, sweetheart." Vince Hong rubbed the bare arms of his fiancée, who was wearing an armless t-shirt.