Don't Mess With Me

Don't Mess With Me

- Temposhark -


"She is my mom. No matter how bad she is, she's still my mom. She's still my hero."

Eva Lee's statement on a casual talk show with a relaxed format that featured her and her fiancé, suddenly became a trending remark on many social media sites.

Most Hong Kong people who sympathized with Eva Lee made the South Korean-born girl an idol and role model for people who were able to behave and speak softly and kindly.

Many people thought she was a tough girl who could remain cool-headed in the face of all the bad luck that had befallen her in quick succession.

And people also thought that she, Eva Lee, was indeed worthy and deserving of Vince Hong, the honorable prince of Jin Long.

That's how society works. With a man, no matter how bad he is behind the camera, if he appears elegant and charismatic in front of the screen, then all his bad actions will be considered natural and normal as a man.