The Power of Love

The Power of Love

- Celine Dion -


"Ru!" Vince Hong panicked again and quickly pressed the button to call the nurse. "Ru, hold on, okay! Please hold on!" Vince Hong could only say that as he stroked his stepmother's arm.

The nurse came in again and was already prepared with her equipment, having understood what happened when she was called.

The nurse quickly did this and that, injecting this and that, until Ruby finally calmed down. "I had to change to a higher dose of IV fluids. We'll see if there will be frequent relapses."

"Do what's best for my mom. Whatever it takes, don't keep her in pain," Vince Hong pleaded with the nurse.

"It's possible that the patient is going through phases of pain because the infection is relapsing more frequently, which could be because the patient is pregnant at a risky age. But we can wait to see what the doctor who will examine her in the morning says." The nurse gave her a sentence.