Going Where The Wind Blows

Going Where The Wind Blows

- Mr. Big -


"Yeah, Papa has to go to the office because some foreign clients are coming in. Well, you know I've gotta keep hustling to provide for your mom and your little brother, Vin." He winked playfully.

"I can't join you for breakfast, Ben," Ruby said, her voice tinged with regret and her face matching the sentiment.

"No worries, honey. Just take good care of my baby, alright? Breakfast is the least of my concerns!" Ben Hong said confidently.

"Come on, Pa. I'll keep you company at breakfast as Mom's stand-in," Vince Hong offered.

"Ha ha! That's my boy! Let's go, Vin!" Ben Hong chuckled and patted his eldest son's arm, inviting him downstairs.

The two men left Ruby, who was nursing little River. The baby looked absolutely adorable while enjoying his exclusive meal from his mother.