Forgive My Jealousy

Forgive My Jealousy

- Chuck Jackson -


After Hu Guo left, Vince Hong was now alone in the large room. He gazed out of the big window that overlooked the city.

Tomorrow, Eva Lee would arrive. And he had to call Ruby about it.

Ruby was definitely going to be mad. And he felt a wave of nervousness about calling her.

Vince Hong glanced at the watch on his left wrist and realized it was nearly 9 PM. That meant it was 8 PM in Hong Kong. Was Ruby already asleep? Was it safe to call her now?

As Vince Hong hesitated, suddenly his phone buzzed on the table. He quickly glanced at the screen and saw Ruby's name. Oh no. She was already calling! And Vince Hong hadn't even prepared what to say.

Should he reject the call?

"Hello?" Vince answered the call.