Ring Ding Dong

Ring Ding Dong

- SHINee -


When Vince Hong was about to ask about the other dishes, the server arrived with their order. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of a plate of squirming food.

"Eve, what is *this*?!" Vince Hong asked, looking confused and slightly horrified.

Eva Lee chuckled, amused by her fiancé's reaction. "That's Sannakji. Also known as live octopus."

"Li-live octopus?!" Vince Hong's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He stared at the dish—octopus cut into small pieces but still squirming on the plate. He had never imagined eating something like this.

"Come on, Vince! Eat it quickly before the texture gets tough and the taste changes!" Eva Lee teased, enjoying his discomfort. She stifled her laughter.

"This? I'm supposed to eat this?"


"You mean put this in my mouth?"

"Yes, unless you plan on eating with your nose, which I don't recommend!" 
