Father to Son

Father to Son

- Queen -


After arriving at the hotel, Eva Lee immediately threw herself onto the bed. She was extremely tired and sleepy. "Uughh... I'm so exhausted..." Eva Lee murmured, still lying face down on the bed and closing her eyes.

Vince Hong saw this and could only shake his head. He had already changed into his sleepwear, wearing only boxer shorts and no shirt.

Vince Hong approached the bed, looking at Eva Lee, who seemed to have already fallen asleep. "Eve? Eve? Are you asleep? You haven't changed your clothes, dear."

However, there was only a faint murmur from the girl, indicating that Eva Lee was no longer able to resist her sleepiness. "Errrnghhh..."

Seeing that his fiancée was overcome with sleep, Vince Hong moved to sit on the edge of the bed and began to remove Eva Lee's shoes, one by one, and placed them in the corner of the room.