Watch Out

Watch Out

- ABBA -


Eva Lee and her small entourage arrived at an office, which turned out to be the headquarters of a production company called Golden Roots.

They were led into a meeting room and informed that they would be greeted by Mr. Sam Yeung's trusted assistant.

Honestly, Vince Hong was a bit annoyed that Sam Yeung himself didn't bother to show up and had his assistant meet them instead, with the excuse that he was "out of town" handling some vague business elsewhere.

To Vince, it felt like Sam Yeung didn't think Eva Lee was important enough if he couldn't make the time to meet her personally.

As Vince grumbled to himself, a man who looked to be around Sam Yeung's age, in his forties or so, entered the room. "Welcome," he greeted. "I'm Eddy Chu."