Fell In Love With You Ridiculously (21+)

Momingqimiao Ai Shang Ni (Fell In Love With You Ridiculously)

- Joyce Chu -



Vince immediately trapped Ruby's body from behind. The woman who loved red clothes was startled by her stepson's actions and immediately turned around to face Vince Hong and pinched his nose.

Ruby said, "Don't be reckless, handsome Young Master. Your child is alone on the bed, and I don't want anything to happen to him if we leave him like this."

Vince Hong chuckled. "Okay, okay, ha ha ha... this time you're lucky, Madam." He pulled Ruby's waist as they entered the bedroom together.

There, River was playing with the toys that Ruby had brought from the mansion. "Hello, my little hero!" the young master greeted River.