Knockin' on My Heaven's Door (21+)

Knockin' on My Heaven's Door

- KARD -


"Eve?!" He blinked his eyes several times, hoping he wasn't fast asleep and this was just a dream.

The young girl in front of Vince Hong chuckled and widened her smile, showing off her straight, white teeth. "Vince! How are you? I'm here!"

"Y-you... Eve, is this really you?" The young master still couldn't believe his fiancée was in Japan.

The young Lee girl nodded several times, smiling, and replied, "Am I a ghost? Is there a ghost as beautiful as me? Hehe... why am I being so narcissistic? Haha!" Eva Lee laughed at her own joke. "Vince... how long do I have to stand here?"

"O-ohh!" Vince Hong quickly came to his senses and started to gently pull his fiancée's body to bring her inside his room. "Sorry, I'm just too surprised by your sudden arrival." He also picked up a travel bag that was near Eva Lee's feet.