Not Shy

Not Shy

- ITZY -


"The client in America is already waiting for you to discuss the Black Diamond Caviar project." Hu Guo said this to the young master Hong on the night after Vince Hong checked his phone and found numerous missed calls from him.

Vince Hong immediately remembered his desire to expand his business into caviar supply. He had been waiting for this for over a month.

Now that the American party had contacted his office, it meant he needed to be in America as soon as possible, or another company would snatch this opportunity.

After planning this and that with Hu Guo that night, he ended the call and dialed his father. "Pa."

"Yes, son?" his father answered on the phone.

"I might need to go to America tomorrow. Tomorrow or the day after, at the latest." The first young master of Jin Long conveyed this news to his father.