chapter 3

Yoongi pov

my mom came to check on us

mom: you guys want something to eat?

me: yeah

mom: ok

my mom left

-15 minutes later-

my mom came back with some food

jimin: thanks

mom: if you need anything else just let me know

me: ok

we were chilling and then jimin asked something unexpected.

jimin: yoongi

me: yeah

jimin: do you like anyone?

me: yeah

jimin: who is it?

me: i can't tell you

jimin: why

me: i don't know

jimin: please just one hint?

jme: ok fine, they're cute nice and caring

jimin: seems like you like them a lot

me: yeah

we kept chatting for while until I felt something on my shoulder I looked to see jimin asleep I blushed, I just looked at him, I started creasing his hair then carried him to my bed and laid down beside him and fell asleep.

-next morning-

my brother came to wake us up

geum-jae: wake up love birds

jimin: we're not love birds

me: yeah what he said

geum-jae: ok whatever

he left to go make breakfast since my parents already left for work.

me: don't mind him

jimin: yeah I know but why does he think that?

me: he most likely heard our conversion since he's so nosy

jimin: yeah my brother's like that too

me: like don't they have anything better to do other to ease drop on us

jmin: yeah like just stop