yoongi pov

After jimin left, my parents and geum-jae came into my room and I was relieved as I needed to tell them what just happened

me: I need to tell you something

geum-jae: what is it?

me: first off i'm gay second off I just confessed to my crush

mom: why didn't you say anything about you being gay?

yoongi: I was scared that you might judge me for it

dad: we would never judge you

mom: yeah

me: i know

geum-jae: who's this crush of yours anyway?

me: this might sound weird but its jimin

geum-jae started jumping like some little kid

mom: min geum-jae calm down

geum-jae: sorry my bad and by the way how did he react

me: he said that he liked me back and we kissed

geum-jae and my parents shook(jungshook)

-30 minutes later-

I lied on my bed and just stared at the ceiling I got hungry so i went to the kitchen to make myself some ramen and then went back to my room to eat I put on some videos and got a video call from taehyung he was with jimin. they asked if they could stay I agreed since I was bored after 20 minutes they came

jimin: hey cutie

me: hey baby mochi

tae: get a room and why does it smell like ramen?

me: I don't know maybe cause I made some

tae: yeah is there any left

me: yeah you guys can help yourself if you want any

jimin: yeah im hungry

tae: same