yoongi pov

after we got done with the v live we went to the living room to watch a movie after the movie was done we went back to my room and got some snacks

jimin: you look like a cute cat when you eat

me: uh thanks i guess

tae: are you for real right now

me: says the one who likes my sister

tae: no I don't

y/n: tae come here

tae: coming

me: ok but don't take too long

y/n: we won't

-20 minutes later-

y/n and tae came back they were laughing

me: what were you doing

y/n: nothing we were just watching a funny video

me: ok if you say so

we started a pillow fight I got hit the most after that we went to sleep since it was way past midnight

-next day-

I felt someone on me I turned it was jimin

me: have you been watching me sleeping

jimin: uh yeah i had nothing better to do

me: ok baby mochi

jimin: you were sleeping like a cat

me: ok where are the others

jimin: downstairs

we went downstairs tae and y/n were making breakfast

y/n: hey sleepy head

me: hey sis

tae: you sound tired

me: that's cause i'm tired and what's for breakfast

y/n: its a little something we've been doing for about an hour