jimin pov

once yoongi gave in y/n started putting on him it was funny since she had to keep on telling him to stay still then i went to go find a dress for him once i found it i came back and the make up was done

yoongi: don't you dare laugh

me: uh the make up is not that bad it actually looks good

y/n: uh thanks

me: yeah now put on the dress

yoongi took it and went to change then he came back we couldn't hold in our laughter and started laughing at him and we even took a photo of it

yoongi: are you guys done laughing at me

y/n: hold on i ran out of air

me: yeah same

yoongi: can i take this off now

me: you have to keep it on for the rest of the day

y/n: oh yeah great idea mochi

yoongi groaned he didn't want to but we made him do it anyway he looked cute in that princess dress

y/n: i got an idea

yoongi: what is it?

she looked at me

y/n: let's put jimin in a maid dress

yoongi: bet let's do it

me: oh fuck no

y/n: you don't have a choice mochi

yoongi: yeah baby mochi

i rolled my eyes at him

me: ok fine i'll do it