“I tried to fight it,” Lance says. “I tried my best. But it reached a point where I couldn’t any longer. I always thought I could try to go back, but she schemed to get some of the pack members to go after me as soon as I left. I’m lucky to still be alive.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I whisper. “I can’t imagine something so awful. I’m just so grateful you escaped with your life. I’m so grateful you’re here with me.”
“I’m grateful to be here with you,” he says, kissing my hand. “After everything I’ve been through, it’s all been worth it for this.”
We kiss under the light of the fireflies.
“It is,” I agree. “All the craziness of the last few days has been worth every moment just to find you.”
We hold each other as if we can hug out all the pain from the world, from our past, and create a bright new future for us. As long as we’re together, I know we’ll be happy. I just need him by my side.