Jealousy and Lust

Tatum wrapped his arms around himself and then ascended the stairs to get dressed in whatever fit the pretty standard Mr Down asked for.

When Tatum came back down dressed in a filigree vest and a silk puffy-sleeved shirt with loose-legged black pants Andrew's eyes stared appreciatively at him, full of hunger and maybe something more.

"Ah! There you are kid, long time no see, it's been what… 2 months since we met." Jonathan exclaimed excitedly.

Jonathan Down was a breezy and friendly as he was the first day they met the complete opposite of Andrew.

"Well seeing that you're finally here let's shoot off to the restaurant I'm starved," Jonathan said

When they stepped outside Andrew panicked for a moment as he realised they would have to take two cars as they planned to stay in town for dinner with Greg and his family.

He looked at Jonathan's car and then at Tatum's about to go into an all-out flat spin. Jonathan noticed the look of forming terror on his face but refrained from saying anything, electing to watch what transpired.

As Andrew's face started to go pale, Tatum stepped up to him from behind and laced his fingers with Andrew's

Andrew's colour and composure returned instantly, and without a backward glance, they made their way to Tatum's car. Andrew got in first and Tatum let go of his hand and then walked around the car sliding into the driver's seat.

Jonathan stood watching this with a wide smile and a knowing look on his face. Then spoke to himself as he got into his car. "Great! Just fucking amazing, now I wonder If he knows that Tatum is a guy or not, I am so fucking curious right now."

Either way, he looks downright perky compared to how he was before and these last years, what a change the awe in his eyes when that kid came down the stairs was fucking epic.

I have to keep them together no matter what.

At the restaurant…

As they walked into the restaurant all eyes turned to them, Andrew was a very tall striking man and Jonathan was also just as handsome but it seemed all the men turned to stare at Tatum and even the woman couldn't look away some even glared.

It stood to reason there was this one beautiful vision between two hotter than hot guys, they were either jealous of Tatum or of the guys but everyone was watching them intently.

Jonathan didn't much mind the attention but he could see Andrew was getting uncomfortable with the woman staring at him.

Tatum tapped Andrew on the shoulder with his free hand; they had laced their fingers again when they got out of the car. Andrew leaned down then Tatum whispered something into his ear and he nodded.

Jonathan couldn't hear what Tatum said but he watched Andrew's facial expression go from uncomfortable anxiety to completely stress-free he looked completely at ease and fully in control. What just happened?

Whispered conversation

Andrew *tap tap on his shoulder* "Yes?" Andrew whispered

"Bend down I want to ask you something," Tatum whispered

"Ok" Andrew replied

*Andrew leaned down so his face was next to Tatum's

"Do you want me to calm you?" Tatum asked softly

"With your scent you mean?" Andrew asked softly"

"Yes, I would only calm your anxiety I wouldn't do anything else." Tatum nodded while he spoke

Andrew didn't even think about it, he nodded immediately whispering "yes please."

"Okay breathe deeply," Tatum replied

Instead of just breathing deeply Andrew brought his head close to Tatum's neck put his head on his shoulder for a few seconds and when he looked up he was a changed man, calm and assertive, with no trace of the previous anxiety.

They made their way to the reserved table.

Jonathan kept his eyes glued to Andrew watching for when the panic would set in again but there wasn't a trace of it anywhere.

Andrew even smiled! What is going on? Jonathan thought to himself.

So, Tatum how have the last two months been, in service to this idiot over here?

Tatum almost choked on his apple juice, "Ah! Um, it's been, it's been um good I think. Ha-ha yes, Mr Down it's been great actually." Tatum stumbled over his words

"I enjoy working for Mr Pearce; there have been no problems Sir," Tatum replied more firmly

Andrew was hanging onto every word Tatum said, Jonathan could see that he was happy with what Tatum said, but he had smiled slightly when he said he enjoyed working for him.

"That's great." Jonathan intoned

"And you Mate? How's it been, have you given poor Tatum any grief, I'd half expected you to have fired Tatum the first day or week but you two have lasted two whole bloody months, I'm actually very impressed." Jonathan smirked

"Hmpf, why would you think I'd fire Tatum so quick I'm not unreasonable?" Andrew harrumphed.

Jonathan and Tatum looked at each other and both burst out laughing…

"Nah mate you aren't unreasonable just fucking difficult." Jonathan chuckled

Tatum didn't say anything though just giggled a bit then took a sip of juice.

"U-m excuse me I have to go to the bathroom. " Tatum excused himself

Andrew's eyes shot up to Tatum's as he was getting up, tightening his fingers around Tatum's

Tatum just smiled softly and whispered loud enough to be heard by Jonathan.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." * Tatum release a small bit of calming pheromones right next to Andrew's face as he bent down to whisper*

Jonathan smelled air freshener permeating the area but hadn't heard or seen anyone spray any, maybe it was an auto dispenser.

Andrew let go of Tatum's hand slowly and straightened up in the chair, nodding.

Jonathan was so curious.

As Tatum left the table, Jonathan pounced.

Conversation between Andrew and Jonathan.

Andrew wasn't about to let Jonathan know he knew about Tatum's subspecies or gender, after all, it had nothing to do with him who Andrew slept with.

"Jonathan I want to know a few things mate. Do you know Tatum's subspecies evolution?" Andrew enquired

"I do, but why are you asking?" Jonathan replied evenly

"I just want to know, you hired Tatum to be my housekeeper so you must know everything about Tatum," Andrew said slowly

"Are you interested in Tatum?" Jonathan perked up

"I didn't say that, I asked you a question," Andrew said tersely

"Okay, What if I told you Tatum was an Omega; would it change the way you're looking at him?" Jonathan asked carefully

"Why would it change anything?" Andrew replied surprisingly straight-faced.

"Because you hate Omegas, but you clearly like Tatum" Jonathan barrelled on

"Who said I like Tatum," Andrew said gritting his teeth

"The way you look at him says it; you want to keep Tatum all to yourself. It's not the usual way you used to look at women like they're just a good time." Jonathan dropped the male pronoun in very neatly, but it didn't seem to faze Andrew or he didn't catch it.

"Don't be absurd" Andrew snapped

"You look like a man in love Mate," Jonathan smirked

"You're mistaken! I don't fall in love and especially not with guys. Just answer the question; did you know Tatum was an omega from the moment you met?" Andrew snapped back at Jonathan

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Jonathan replied defiantly

"Wait! So you also knew Tatum was a guy?" Andrew looked a little surprised.

"How would I not know Andrew, I am the one who hired him. He is very pretty for a guy I must say, but that is due to being an omega, as far as I understand male omegas are beautiful just like female ones and if I have to go by what Tatum looks like then definitely." Jonathan replied choosing his words carefully

Andrew frowned at Jonathan.

"Don't worry Andrew I don't want to steal your Tatum from you. Tell me something how long have you known Tatum is a man and an omega must be a recent development because if you knew before he'd be fired long ago" Jonathan said stoically

"I only found out today, about an hour before you called," Andrew replied curtly

"Hmmm, interesting." Jonathan mused

Tatum returned to the table…

"Am I interrupting" Tatum enquired softly

"No, no Tatum we were just having a little chat about this and that." Jonathan chuckled

Andrew stared at Tatum perplexed… *There is NO way I am in love. No way in hell.*

"Is something the matter A-Mr Pearce?" Tatum asked looking worried

*He only calls me Mr Pearce when he is nervous nowadays…* Andrew thought

"I want to go home. Now!" Andrew replied aggressively

* Did I just make a big mistake, he seemed fine with Tatum being an Omegas and a man until I said he must be in love… hmmm* Jonathan thought silently

* What just happened* Tatum was worried

"Umm we can't go home M-mr Pearce, we are meeting with your friend Greg and his family for dinner." Tatum replied hesitantly

"Hmm okay, let's go to the hotel and grab a few drinks before meeting them," Andrew said bluntly

"Bye Jonathan" Andrew got up immediately and started walking out of the restaurant not even looking back, he hadn't waited for Tatum or tried to hold his hand…

"Tatum I will call you tomorrow to speak about your contract as your probation is almost up. " Jonathan smiled at Tatum

"Yes sir, Good day sir." Tatum waved as he ran after Andrew worry all over his pretty face.

Jonathan stared after the two of them with a bemused smile on his face. "Yes mate you are definitely in love, head over fucking heels."

Andrew's face was a storm cloud; Tatum couldn't understand why he was so angry.

Andrew was silent all the way to the hotel; Tatum tried making conversation but got ignored.

When they got to the hotel Andrew slammed the car door and bolted for the lobby to get the keys for the rooms. They had two suites connected via an inner door.

Andrew stormed into his suite leaving Tatum in the hallway perplexed at the sheer amount of pheromones remaining in the corridor, even the car was permeated with pheromones which Tatum neutralised as they were laced with aggression and that would not be good to leave hanging around.

Tatum's phone buzzed it was a text from Mr Down.

*TEXT* I'm sorry Tatum Andrew asked if I knew you were an omega and a guy, I couldn't outright lie so I had to say yes and I made a bit of a mistake telling him something else that seems to have upset him a lot, Don't worry, he isn't pissed at you right now or even me he is pissed at himself for no reason.

*TEXT* I am not quite sure I understand. Tatum texted back

*TEXT* Just be yourself, don't worry. Jonathan replied

*TEXT* I'll be packing my bags when we get home? Tatum asked via text

*TEXT* I hope not, but why do you think you have to? Jonathan replied

*TEXT Maybe…

*TEXT* Tatum?

*TEXT* Yes Sir?

*TEXT* Are you in love with Andrew?

He waited for a reply

*TEXT* Sadly yes sir that's why I think, I'll be leaving 1st thing in the morning. Please take this as my short-notice resignation. I'll be going back to London, sir. Tatum replied in quick succession

*TEXT* Why not stay and see where this leads. Jonathan replied

*TEXT* In all honesty I know he can't love me back… I'm a guy and he isn't gay, and even though I have helped him with his trauma I'm still an Omega, and I think that scares him. Tatum sent back

*TEXT* No Tatum what scares Andrew is not that you're an Omega and I don't think you being a guy matters to him. It's something else entirely that scares the shit out of him. But he has to admit it first. So go back to London for now. Jonathan replied

*TEXT* Thank you, you've done a great job and my friend seems to be able to make his way back into society soon. Jonathan replied thanking Tatum

*TEXT* Please don't tell him anything sir, I don't think I could handle the rejection, so I will quietly go and he can adjust I am sure. Tatum asked nicely

*TEXT* I'll be flying back tomorrow, and Mr Pearce can retake his life from before the kidnapping I am certain he has the ability now to do so even if I am not …..

*TEXT* Not what Tatum? Jonathan queried

*TEXT* Not here to calm him down. Tatum replied

*TEXT* I wanted to ask about that, how did you do that? Jonathan asked

*TEXT* I can't tell you, sir, sorry, it's a bit of a secret but the fact that I love him is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things sir. Tatum replied quickly

*TEXT* Okay Tatum I won't say anything….*unless he asks* Jonathan replied

*TEXT* Thank you Goodnight, sir. Tatum replied

*TEXT* Good night Tatum, enjoy the dinner. Jonathan messaged back