Spar's Outcome (1)

Rhefia PoV

Pulling away from the horny Catkin for a moment, I briefly took in the way our saliva continued to bridge the gap between us only to sigh and ask "Do we really need to put a wager on this? There's absolutely no reason to when the rewards are practically just the things we do anyways."

"No, they are NOT the things we do anyways; WE don't have sex like that, ever. There has yet to be a night where I've let you breed me, even if you like to think that there were nights like that. And there are definitely not nights where you let me tie you up and fuck your Doe in front of you without consequence."

Sari pointed her finger at me and wiggled it to emphasize each of her points, which only made me sigh again as I stared down at the fascinating futanari that Astra had pestered me for way back when... which was barely two months or so ago at this point.

Time truly does seem to both fly by at immense speeds while also crawling slower than a snail at the exact same time, doesn't it?

Either way, I found this futanari to be one of the most fascinating people I had ever had the... 'privilege' of meeting, let alone sleeping with, and she was so smug and aware of that that her ego only continued to grow with each passing day.

Said ego was being brought to bear against me right this second now that she had issued this sort of ultimatum against me for my 'negligence' to appear at the time I had promised to, reminding me of my time in the military where punctuality was paramount; if I had to get there within an hour I still arrived thirty minutes early, and even that was late sometimes.

"You understood what I meant though, Sari. Yes, we haven't had baby making sex yet because clearly you aren't pregnant, and yes I've never let you tie me up so you can fuck Heila in front of me just so you can get your rocks off in another odd way. The point was-"

"The point is you are getting to damn soft, lazy and loose with everything now that you have found yourself a home, Rhefia. You want to be the protector and yet you are stuck here, incapable of heading into the city. A city, mind you, that has many powerful and deviant people who would love nothing more than to snatch Astra away for a night just because it would get their rocks off in so many ways."

Her reply was sharp and very targeted, enough to give me pause as I realized she wasn't using this schedule thing just because, but instead to attempt to correct what she saw as a flaw within me in her own way, whether or not I agreed with her.

She gave me one hell of an incentive, veiled it in the form of a challenge that had no true detriment to me, and ensured that it was soft enough in its approach that I would be lured into accepting it.

If I was as egotistical as she was - proud in being the best there ever was and certain that I had no faults - this would still set me off, but I was willing to entertain her wants and to reflect on the things she wanted me to as she brought up the looming topic that I had been avoiding.

My continued criminal status that was supposed to be looked at by some important people... that hadn't been looked at just yet, at least according to any of the news that trickled its way back to our compound.

"Very well. If those are your worries, fine. Let's head outside and continue with this spar even if it doesn't exactly solve the problem you have brought back to the forefront of our attention."

The Catkin just rolled her eyes and sneered at me, clearly wanting to say something else but biting her tongue as she stalked towards the door, leaving me to watch her as I studied what I could only describe as a walking dichotomy.

Frustration and anger were abundantly present in her body language and how she addressed me just now, and yet there was also the very obvious presence of something that everyone in this house had in abundance; lust.

The way her hips swayed in a way that was far too exaggerated to be coincidence, her tail flicking back and forth hypnotically, the single peek over her shoulder that revealed the Catkin's sharp, bright yellow eye... all of it was alluring, all of it was charged with a need for sex...

And yet she wasn't heading outside so that we could relish the waters as we made love; instead she wanted to roll around in the sand grappling one another as we fought over something else that could have been better solved with words, but too each their own, no?

Though as I watched her saunter out into the middle of the sandpit with a wooden blade in hand, I knew all too well that words weren't really my preferred way to communicate; they barely broke the top three.

First and second place were interchangeable depending on the day, and while one had been getting far more practice these last months the other was still deeply ingrained into me that made it impossible to ever forget.

Sex and combat held far more importance and conveyed so much more to me then words ever could, with words only managing to eek out the third spot over the wonders of a home cooked meal simply because words could be used to further enhance those two other communication methods I loved.

And Sari was so similar to me that she knew words meant fuck all at this point and the only way she was going to get to me was through those two methods, but sadly enough I had been so drowned in sex that it had begun to lose its efficacy in conveying a point so she opted for combat instead... which was why I was now standing across from her with a wooden spear, waiting for the signal to begin.