Dinner Dates (7)

"We can definitely work something out, Lady Duchess... It would be my pleasure, truly..."

Her smirk made my pussy quiver, but outwardly I just nodded and stepped forwards, looking down at the black skinned futanari and wondering about what I should do next, only to shrug mentally as I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra.

When it fell to the floor her smirk widened, and her eyes were glued to my breasts as I shook them a little for her viewing pleasure, only to say "You can do as you please, Miss Selkis. It is I earning a discount here, not you.", which got her to chuckle as she stood up as well.

Even as she began to shrug off her own clothes the Scorpionkin said "I am thankful for that, Lady Duchess, but you are still a Lady; in this situation, I cannot be lax in how I treat you. Surely you understand?", making me smirk slightly as I nodded in reply.

Still, it didn't stop her from gently cupping one of my breasts before leaning down to kiss my nipple, brushing her lips against it and making my breath hitch a little as the sensitive flesh was caressed by her soft, wet tongue.

"I needn't remind you, Miss Selkis, that this remains between us..?"

She nodded, and when she gave me her word I felt no need to hold back anymore as she began to suckle on my tit, the Scorpionkin arching a brow in surprise as milk splashed across her tongue only to shrug as she suckled just a little harder, washing down her meal with my milk.

Her other hand went lower and squeezed my ass as she held me close, and now that we were both almost naked together I began to jerk her off, my hand slipping beneath her panties and grasping her ribbed penis as we stood in the middle of her tent, her 'dessert' giving her what she needed.

It didn't take long for either of us to find euphoria in this, the Scorpionkin groaning into my tit as she erupted inside of her panties while I drenched my own as her fingers massaged my cheeks, relaxing me and getting me to cum with just that and my nipple.

The second we came the first time we were looking for so much more, and Selkis gently pushed me over to one of the chests before slipping her panties off, making it clear she wanted to go straight to sex; draping myself over the chest, I stuck my ass out and let her choose if she wanted to take off my underwear, though she just slipped them to the side and pushed her raw cock into me without another word.


Astra PoV

"Oh... yeah, this works... this definitely works..."

Luna's groan above me let me know just how she liked having her dick sucked, so I squeezed her knot even tighter and sloppily slurped on the upper half of her cock while focusing on her tapered tip, scooping off her precum and giving her the best 'dessert' she could ask for.

Leaning back in her chair and holding my hair loosely in her hand, Luna let me blow her however I pleased while sipping on my breast milk whenever she wasn't vocalizing her pleasure, and even when the waitresses came back in to clean up our dirty plates and offer new ones she still kept me bobbing up and down on her lap.

"Yeah... bring in desserts next... something light, preferably."

They nodded and watched for a moment before going to do what was asked of them, and the second they left Luna forced me down completely and knotted my mouth, giving me her milk while she drained a glass of mine.

I had eaten so much tonight and been able to drink down so much cum that I was worried I might puff up a bit, only to shrug when she relinquished her hold of my head and allowed me to finally breathe air again.

I didn't need to worry about that at all since she just threw me onto the table and started fucking me hard yet again, rocking the table back and forth and giving the waitresses a show when they returned with some pastries.

"W-Would you like some... more 'service'..?"

Luna didn't even have the chance to say anything as I nodded and begged for them to stay, making them confused only to blush hard as Luna knotted me right in front of them, the Wolfkin's throbbing cock getting harder now that we had an audience.

She was a bit quicker with them here, and the moment the pretty, buxom Doe and Sheepkin began to get ready to service us she blew her load inside me crazily, her lust overflowing inside of me as she pumped her seed deep into my womb.

When she pulled out the Sheepkin knelt in front of her and started to blow her, making Luna raise a brow as she looked at me only to moan when I had the Doe kneel between my legs and drink the cum that was pouring out of me.

It was just some extra fun to end the night, and while we might not have had the most deep talks of all time we got to learn more about one another, like I now knew Luna's type was big tits and shapely ass, and she knew my type was... anything.

I also got to learn that she did~ actually have some nice stamina, but it was definitely nowhere near as much as her Dama since she did eventually have to stop, but that was after~ she fucked that Sheepkin on top of me and after~ the Doe and I played around with her nipples and kissed her while she was knot deep in that Sheepkin a second time.

By the time dinner was properly over for us I was quite happy, and as she walked me out of the restaurant with her knot completely drained and her energy a bit sapped, Luna and I were walking slowly around the torchlit city, hand in hand as we just wandered around for now, not wanting to do anything else but not wanting to separate just yet...