Coming Back To Something... Unique

Astra PoV

The texture of Aethisia's skin under my hands was quite something, especially as she held me up with ease and thrust up into my pussy from below, my white haired daughter deciding that cumming in my mouth once and on our faces once wasn't enough for her right now.

That was why I was being held up by her with my legs wrapped around her body like I was clinging to a tree, and it was why I was clawing at her back and biting her neck as I got to feel just how long and thick she was as she dropped me down onto her cock, using gravity to spear me completely on her penis.

She truly was well endowed, and while she was technically fully grown right now I had a feeling another growth spurt might just be in store for her later down the line, and if I was right then maybe some of that potential for growth was stored right down on her crotch...

If it was, if she truly got another spurt of growth sometime soon, she might just surpass her Dama definitively; right now I think she was just barely 'smaller' than Rhefia, but even still she was so well endowed that it didn't even matter.

Especially not when those multiple inches of impressive cockmeat was buried inside of my womb and soaking in the place she had come from, the uniqueness of my body allowing her to do this comfortably even though she had multiple sisters growing there.

I just knew that they were safe even as she lifted me up and dropped me back down onto her cock, the Deerkin going as deep into me as was possible for her size and making me cum like crazy as I hugged her tight enough to make her squirm around a little uncomfortably.

All the while Renna watched us from the side, her face still plastered with sperm and her hands seeking out her most pleasurable spots as she milked herself in the middle of the forest while also fingering her pussy rather aggressively.

"Make it six..! Just make it six~!"

Aethisia's adorable gasps as she started shooting her cum into my baby room was enough to make me squirt again, especially since the sheer amount of sperm was enough to fill me up before it began to spill out of my pussy and splash onto the grass below.

Her hips quivered while her arms tightened around me in response, the two of us locked in quite the embrace as we made the most of this, but sadly for her I was quite scared of the idea of having six babies inside of me.

I was still quite terrified of the five that were already there, to be completely honest, and I was counting the days down in the back of my mind as I was force fed each of their timers, which had synced up thanks to a skill or something...

Another 34 days of waiting before they all came out one after another, so the last thing I wanted to do was add a new timer to that and have one still stuck inside me after popping out the other five...

Though hearing her desire to get me pregnant was enough to make my heart thump a little quicker inside my chest, and I was definitely going to give her the baby she wanted one day, just... not today.

So after dumping her load inside of me and putting me down, Aethisia enjoyed the cleanup blowjob before smirking at Renna as she gave her cock a bounce, trying to convince the red head to come over and suck out some of the cum she was licking off her fingers straight from the tap.

I was about to try to convince her as well only to watch as Renna hastily got up and turned away, making it clear she was sticking to her wishes and letting us know that the answer was no; that didn't mean though that Aethisia wasn't going to push her luck a little, and she did so after walking over and smacking that nice ass, making Renna yelp only to moan as she was kissed deeply.

The Nymph let the Deerkin suck on her tongue before they parted a few moments later, the two staring at one another and contemplating a second kiss only for Aethisia to walk away this time, leaving the option to Renna.

Sadly she just took what she was given and enjoyed that alone, so we were walking back home after we all got dressed again and thinking of the people we were going to see upon our return; Aethisia was looking for Renna's sister, Renna was going to seek out either Shelur or Duru again, and I wanted to get my fix of mint and or vanilla for today~!

Perhaps that was why I was not surprised at all to find that both Rhefia and Sari were together down in the basement bedroom, but I was definitely surprised to find Heila laying on her back on the bed with Sari's cock in her mouth.

Well, I wasn't surprised exactly at that part, but I was surprised to see Rhefia sitting in a chair a few feet away, watching as Sari held her Doe's throat while thrusting into it like a pussy, smacking her balls against the Doe's face and making a mess of her as she choked her with her cock.

The various paddles, spools of rope, alongside other toys all caught my eye as well, and the moment I entered their sphere of awareness all three of them paused for a moment, only for Sari to hiss at me softly as she returned to fucking Heila's throat.

The Doe was crying tears of elation at being used like this, her face a mess of saliva, tears and semen that just made her look extremely alluring while the way her eyes grew unfocused the longer her throat was drilled made my clit throb as it pleaded to be turned into a cock.

Meanwhile Rhefia let out a groan as I tossed my clothes aside and joined the two on the bed, my naked body turning her on even more and making her erection get even taller and thicker as all her available blood rushed to it.

She was desperate for a release now, and yet I was laying beside her Doe watching as she was used by the Catkin like a toy, the constant bulging of her throat as a penis was shoved into it turning us all on, while the eruption from Sari almost made Rhefia cum too...