Slowly, steadily pulling her wife's lips off of her cock, Leonisa groaned and gave me a small smirk as her erect, cum soaked cock reared its head and stood tall and proud despite having just injected a few cups worth of cum straight into the Lioness' stomach.
It was such a nice cock, and I was so fucking wet after having Cortra play around with my pussy like it was just some toy for her to enjoy that just seeing it made my womb throb in ways that were reminiscent of what I felt whenever I saw Shelur's cock.
Though she definitely wasn't as endowed as the Orc in terms of both her penis and her muscles, Leonisa was still a top tier futanari who stood amongst the best of the best when it came to potential partners, especially considering the powerful aura that always surrounded her, paired with her instinctual penchant to be the best in the room.
Meeting her stunning red eyes, I melted a little more before blinking a few times as she rasped "Cortra, Cliona... go and finish what we were to do today, alright? Renna and I need to speak in private...", wondering what she needed to discuss... or if she was just hoping to flaunt that penis a little more freely without her women being in the room.
They were possessive of her, and while she always seemed more relaxed than them, she was even more possessive of them, but as was expected of everyone in this city she was also quite open about what she was able to do and to whom.
They were hers, and although I knew little about the culture that they had all grown up in before making it to the city it wasn't as uncommon for women to be more 'true' to their partners while futanari's were more open everywhere in the world, so this wasn't that surprising to me.
Cortra and Cliona both stared at Leonisa before growling softly when they saw how erect she was, but a single growl back got them both to stand up, fix themselves up and stalk out of the room, though the way Leonisa followed them with her eyes and the two Lionesses were definitely swaying their hips as they left us.
When we were alone, Leonisa stood up and approached me, looking at me with a slight smirk and those heated red eyes, causing me to squirm a little as I realized that she was still somewhat clothed while I was completely nude, my nipples completely stiff while my pussy and inner thighs were completely drenched.
My juices stained the table behind her, my body was heating up and my heart raced as her penis swayed around in front of me, her cum dripping a little onto the floor, the thick scent of warm spices clinging to my nostrils and muddling my mind.
Crouching down, Leonisa brought herself to be eye to eye with me, and in doing so her cock got even closer to where it wanted to be, pointed at my womb like it was letting me know that was its primary target or staking its claim.
"Tell me, Renna, were you being serious about wanting to get all of those businesses? Wanting to break up these mini monopolies and spread it out to those who need it? Those who deserve it?"
The sudden shift from what had been a more ambiguous, hot atmosphere that promised a shift over towards the two of us sharing in the pleasures provided by the other's bodies into something that was completely sterile and business related was just... shocking to me.
It caught me off guard, but by default thanks to the years I had spent as a Duchess I was able to answer that without even thinking, nodding my head and tearing my eyes away from the Lionkin's throbbing erection as I said "I was. All they do right now is harm the city, harm the Queendom. In the right hands we could jump from being a smaller territorial power to somewhere that more countries take seriously."
"That was what I was thinking too. Being all the way at the bottom of the continent geographically with a giant forest separating us and the ocean means few people want to come down here unless they need too, and all of the Oceanic Queendoms and Island Nations stick to themselves anyways, so we're left on our lonesome.
Self sufficient, wealthy, peaceful... but it's changing slowly, Renna. Peace never lasts, even though we desperately want it to remain peaceful. Outside our borders, trouble has started to stir. Cults are infecting some countries, radicalization is occurring, Goddesses are becoming more common... we need to strengthen our home, our country..."
And then, just like that, we were back to that ambiguous aura as Leonisa cupped my cheek, getting ever closer and actually poking my belly with her penis as she whispered "So we should begin working together, Renna... work together to ensure our home can survive, so that it might be able to prosper. I want to help ensure that happens, but to do so we need to be careful, no? And to do so... we should be closer..."
Shuffling even closer to me, Leonisa slipped her penis up between my breasts and loomed over me a little, her magnificent golden mane shining in the sunlight and emphasizing her noble features as she inched her face closer to mine, until our lips met.
The kiss started rather tame, but it quickly descended into a lustful frenzy as I felt her erection submerge itself between my breasts, our heartbeats beginning to match in the weirdest, yet sexiest way as the Lionkin's throbbing penis warmed me up even more.
My body was so, so very hot, and my pussy was dripping with more need than ever before as Leonisa deepened the kiss, the Lionkin sucking on my tongue and maneuvering her body just enough to allow her to begin thrusting up slowly between my tits, pleasuring herself with me however she pleased.
I could have pushed her away, but as her tongue pressed against mine and as her long cock slid between my tits like it always belonged there, my hesitancy melted away as I grabbed my chest and squeezed it around her cock, letting her thrust as she pleased since it only made my heartbeat all the more noticeable.
That thrilling rush I felt as I guiltily let my fellow Duchess clap her balls against the underside of my breasts was enough to get me high, and the longer we were there, kissing and relishing this moment, the easier it was for her to convince me to go even further as she pulled out a sheath and flashed me a grin, placing it on my lips and having me slide that sheath onto her penis while taking her into my throat.