About to leave the house and they notice some changes in Juliana.

"Wait! Your eyes are green now". Anita said

"What are you saying?".

"There is no way you can differentiate between Pricilla and Juliana now, or….".

"Stop it, you guys are lying I don't want to be the green witch, but remain empress of beauty". Juliana added

"What are we going to do now". Anita asked

"Get her lence".

"Right now, today, no that's not possible". Nina added

Mr. Dunne walked in

"Hey girls, how was your night?".

"Fine...". They said a bit cold

"What's wrong with… two Pricilla, what's going on?".

"Juliana's eyes change colors yearly, but it's not up to a year now".

"Seriously". Surprised

"She can't go to school like this". Aso added

…. saw her just by the staircase, gaze focused on her. Anita, followed the direction which he was staring at and she saw Zyron, she was surprised, that shocked got her friends attention and they could all see her. Appeared right in front of them staring at Anita, while they both stare at each other

"You guys can see her?". They couldn't reply to the question, nodded

"Here have this". Zyron said, one her hands and Juliana collected it

"Ow, what is this?". She asked

"Place them on your eyes, they would change back to normal, but its only temporally till you figure out what to do".

"What are you, his wife?". Anita asked


"Then what are you? You saved Juliana, she was already dead but you revived her".

"You would know soon". She disappeared

"She left".

"Don't worry you would get use to it, but for now, can we go?".

"Sure". They left to school.

Arrived at school just when they walked in

"You're late, why are you late?

"An emergency". Meyan said

"From who, Juliana

"Yes Juliana ".

"It's not so serious we've resolved it". She said and they quietly went to class".

Lunch break, announcement was made "listen students, tomorrow is, bring your parents to school day, dress lovely and be punctual, thank you".

Walked in a hurry

"Did you hear the announcement?". Mariana asked

"We are toast". Saucy said randomly

"Toasted bread". Juliana asked. They quietly stare at her

"What are we toasting, juice am hungry". She said calmly.

"You are a big fool we are talking about something very important and the only thing that comes through your mind is food, God help you". Pricilla snaps at her

"Help you too, is it a crime to speak your mind".

"No, no its not". Naso added

"Enough of food, what are we going to do?".

"What do we have to do?".

"We don't have…." Looked around.

"Everyone is not supposed to know that".

"You are right, but huh, we have to do something".

"Something like what? Scarlet asked

"See girls whatever happens, who breaks the secret gets beaten up okay, girl code".

Closing hours. Back home.

"We are going to get exposed". Annabel said

"I don't understand, what are you saying?". He asked

"Tomorrow is bring your parents to school day and….".

"Oh, right".

Next morning, entering one by one, lovely outfit. Stepped in all eyes on them, with a welcoming smile

"Good day principal".

"Good day. Where are your parents? Am not going to take it this time, give me their phone number I want to talk to them"

"They can't make it, mine missed they're flight". Melody said holding Annabel and scarlets hands, like we are siblings

"Mine, mm, I mean me, Saucy, Meyan, Nina, Anita, Mariana, Emma, Niso, Aso, Naso, and Anthonia, we are all siblings, our grand uncle died, so they had to stay back". Lusiya said

"Okay, what about you? Juliana and Pricilla what is your parents excuse for not showing up today". They couldn't respond to the question

"Seriously, this is so disappointing, your parents weren't even here when you got shot, trying to save Lisa, but anyway, it's fine, but next time, it won't take it next time okay, you can go and enjoy the party". They left

Looking around, gaze not so clear

"Wait, is that…. No, no am not sure". Not clear what she was saying

"What are you talking about?". Anthonia asked her

"I think, I need your glasses Anita?". Lusiya took off Anita's glasses and wore them

"Are you okay? Give me back my glasses".

"What is going on here?". Saucy walked in. without even listening to any excuses she removes the glasses from her eyes

"Seriously you aren't supposed to wear this okay, so stop". She gave her back her glasses

"I felt like that was Ella". She said

Calm for a while, slowly walked forward till they got really close to Claudia and her mother, everyone started staring

"Ella!". They said unison and hugged her so tight, pushed Claudia aside

Surprisingly looking at them

"What is the meaning of this nonsense, who are this classless being, and why are they hugging my mother

"You don't know them?". Richard said. Took time to assess the voice, staring at each other

"It's actually you, I don't know them and I don't share my love. They just pushed me out of the picture

"You guys have grown so much; Allison would be proud". Touching their faces

"Why is mom calling the name of her dead friend, or are they the leftover creatures she pick up from the jungle, hmm, this would turn out to be in my favor". She said within and smirked

She walked up to her mother


"She's your daughter?". Anita asked

"Yess, of course am her daughter, you would know that if you hadn't pushed me like the nobody you are". Claudia added

"We are….".

"Oh please! I came with my mom go find yours".

… that stroke them real hard, they laugh a gentle laugh and the remark pass, they walked away slowly

"Now let the Claudia's era begin". She said within smiling at Richard

"Claudia what was the meaning of that, it was uncalled for, why?"

"Why! You ask me this question why. Mm.... I don't believe. You barely noticed me out there, and you are here asking that dumb question". She hissed and walked away, pushing her mother aside. Ella felt dumb.

Looking at the mirror, in the wash room, sudden palpitation of the heart, she came outside after splashing water on her face

"It feels like my chest is about to fall".

"I think Claudia knows". Juliana said so worried

"Of course, I know, orphans, not just any orphans, miserable and rejected ones. At least orphans' gets privileged to stay in the orphanage home, and hopefully one day they come and take you, but your case is different. Not only did your parents throw you in that lonely jungle, they also left you with the scare of rejection. You kill your own mother".

"Claudia! You are crossing boundaries, how dare you say such nonsense, am only calm because you are Ella's daughter".

"No not for Ella's daughter, you all own my mother your life, you fake things. This is just the beginning. Wait till the whole school finds out that, you are not only a cheap classless middle class, you are also curse and rejected and that you are murders who should be in jail, then you would know". She walked away.

"Oh my god what now, what".

"Go back to that party she can't do anything ". Saucy said, trying to put them together

They went back, sitting arrangement

Gather round students, we want to do something really little, we would have our best female students come on stage and tell us about her lovely, ever caring mother". Mena said

… looking around, waiting for her to come out



"Come out, we are waiting for you

"Am your best student. Oh wow!".

"Best female student, you are behind me, got it". Justin corrected rudely

"Got it, CD

"What did you call me?". She walked away

"Go Juliana, you got this".

"Yes, I do".

…. On stage, passed on the mic.

"So, what am I here to say?". She asked.

"Tell us about your mother, how sweet she is, how loving and caring. Describe how beautiful she is".

… she dropped her tongue, actually felt like dying, in the midst of crowds. She screamed in her mind but held herself back so she won't cry, her friends were worried as well.

"Go Juliana, tell us about your mother, who she was". Claudia laughed.

"Who she was?". The boys are confused

"Yes, that's right she doesn't have anything to say, rejected soul".

"Is this girl okay". Richard said whispering to David

"I don't think so, she's just trying so hard to get attention from her crush".

"Who would that be?".

"You of course".

"She's creepy". Weird smile

"Juliana can't do this; I can't even watch".

Standing, not saying anything, everywhere so calm

"Pretty princess why ain't you saying anything"

"Her mother is too poor and useless; she doesn't have worth".

"Where is your dumb mother, she's not even her"

"After using this pretty face of yours to drag men, you got pretty clothes, and you forgot to get one for you mother that's why you ask her not to come right!". Students' remarks,

"She doesn't have a mother". Claudia said aloud

"Claudia!". Ella scolds

"Mother, be calm am only saying the truth"

"Then tell us about your father, princess".

"She doesn't have one cause her mother doesn't know who got her pregnant, she's a product of a torn condom". Everyone, including parents started laughing. Juliana broke down to tears.

"Enough!". Pricilla said so loud

"Stop shouting, or rather, stop barking. Everything they are saying is true, and as they say the truth is so bitter"

"Claudia! You are over stepping"

"Stop calling my name like you gave them to me, my mother did, go find your own, oh wait you don't have one

"Claudia!". Ella got up

"Enough, I don't want to remember that day, please, it hurts to lose a friend".

"I see were this is going, keep your words to yourself, we don't care, we don't because no one actually likes us".

"Juliana come on let's go, thank you very much principal". Saucy said, helped her down and they walked away. block their path

"I told you right

"Claudia, please talk to your daughter, the saucy you knew has change and am brutal, tell her to get out of the way"

"Or what, you are afraid that you would be exposed, and they would open the case, of murder".

"Claudia, you are saying rubbish".

"Oh, now am saying rubbish, you worthless rejected creatures".

"Enough!... I can't take this anymore. Everyone is already curious to know, go on! expose us. Say thing that you never knew. After all we were the only once there, and we know nothing. I won't say, but yes! I don't have anything to say about my parents because I don't have one, we don't have". Juliana said out loud, in frustration and shame.

…. Single tear drops from Mena's eyes, word came across her mind "what have I done, they never wanted anyone to know".

"Mom, calm down it's not your fault"

"You think they would forgive me".

"I won't say for sure, but they are strong". Richard added

"No that's not the story, you don't have a mother because you killed the only one who accepted you".

"Enough Claudia, one more word"

"And what! kill me like you killed Allison".

"You weren't even there". Mariana added

"Yes, I wasn't but my mom told me everything". Claudia said.

…. Looking at Ella, hiding her face

"So, you told your daughter. Don't hide your face. You never liked us did you, you didn't, no! no don't say anything, everyone already knows. Allison died and I would say it over and over again, we didn't kill her. And Ella, we own you nothing, we won't have died even if you tried, we didn't die in the place those fool abandon us, we are not dying now or ever, got it". Anita said fuming and they stormed out.

…minutes later Mena rushed out

"Am so sorry, please forgive me, am really sorry, I had no idea".

"You weren't supposed to have any idea, but you were curious, now you know, we hate the word parent, Mr. Dunne is here, we didn't have to stay in this offensive environment one more minute". they entered the car

Good day". Mr. Dunne said and drove away

I deserve that". She said to her self