"Girls please be fast… you are running late for school". Mr. Dunne said

"We are coming".

…... All set for school

"Come on". They entered the car, drove out of the building.

Taking a different road…. Long drive, wondering

"This place looks new; this is not the road we pass to school". Juliana said

"You're right".

"Mr. Dunne where are we going to".


"But this is not the way to school".

"Just be calm girls… it's a long ride. Your school changed location".

"We are not going to minderburg anymore".

"Shut up! Before your questions involves us in an accident". Saucy snaps

"I can't believe that these girls are late, why are they late". Mena contemplates. All students waiting

"Gosh! What is going on? Why is entire school here". Sonia said

"I don't know what the principal wants to do this term". Selina said

The boys walked in everywhere became calm, everyone staring at them. Observed for a while

"What is going on here?". They asked their selves, moving forward

"Ah they are so cute".

"We've been set up". Justin whispered. Took their sits

"Good day students, welcome to camp section". She said. Students murmured

"Okay! Okay! I know I took you by surprise, am sorry. But yes, this section we are camping, so enjoy".

"Wait I have a question to ask?".

"Go ahead".

"We are going to stay here… including branch students. We are too many".

"Can you sit down and stop disgracing me". Delancey whispered

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?".

"Never mind".

…minutes later Juliana and her friends walked in talking

"Who the hell is this". Emerson said

"This is not a market place people". Wisteria said aloud

"Can you guys be quiet". Maybelle snaps at them

"We are sorry". Juliana said

"Oh please shut up". Emerson added

Juliana looked at saucy

"Why are they so many new face…. And why is everyone staring at us". Mariana whimpered

"Because you guys are stupid". Saucy snaps

"Where are we going to sit now?".

"Over here…. Late comers". Mena said. They hurried to the front, sat next to the boys

"New record".

"We're sorry". Juliana said

"Shut up!". The boys' snaps at them

"Now that everyone is here, let me repeat myself again".

"Claudia!". Juliana said aloud as Claudia made her entrance

"Now what's that slo-mo for". Pricilla said

"We supposed to be getting that VIP entrance". Juliana added


"Welcome back Claudia".

"Thanks!". She sat next to her friend

"Finally, you are back". Babe said

"Oh gosh this term is not going to be good for us". Naso said

"Susan!". Aso said

"Great what a term".

"Well welcome back".

"Thank you ma". She sat down next to Claudia

"Okay students welcome to school". Mena said walked away.

"Here is your room!". Guards walked away

"Wow! Not bad". Juliana exclaims looking at their room. They walked in looking around

"I love my bed". Naso giggled. Mena walked in, smiling

"Like it right".

"We love it".

"Enjoy yourself more to come next week… just blend in first. Next week we would start school activities.

"For now, make friends". She said and walked away

….. Meyan dived into her bed

"Are you crazy? Move up". Saucy scolds her. It was a bulk bed

"Whatever!". Groans, she moves up

"Well this place is nice".

"I know right!".

"Lets arrange our stuffs.

Getting use to the environment. Meeting new people, exchanging pleasantries. Looked to her right, saw Andrew standing alone, with a glass of juice.

"Excuse me!". she left her friends

"Hi!". Juliana pouted

"Heyy! So now we are friends".

"Come on don't be like that, we were friends".

"I didn't know… after the series of slaps".

"Yeah right! I know you would be angry that's why I came. Am really sorry".

"It's fine…. It's good to see you". pulled her chick

"You too". They both walked away

"Where is Juliana going too". Mariana asked herself

Tapping her fingers on the chair she was sitting. Got up quickly, she turned around looking at her carriers

"Your highness". He said with his head bowed. Her fingers turned to claws as she pierces them on his neck. Pulled them down, deep cut. Groan in silence

"Don't call me that again". Fegrance steeple, looking left right. She sighs and disappeared

Standing in front of their former house

"Time to pay them one more visit". She said changed to someone younger. Smiled, walked in.

She knocks but no one answered. Their neighbor walked in

"They moved earlier this week". He said. Furry, she was fuming badly behind that big smile.

About to walk away…. "Mm wait! Do you know where they moved too, like".

"No I don't".

"Shit". She said within

"Mm…. don't mind me… am Samantha, and old friend. Juliana sent me a text… last month. She never told me that they were moving".

"I think it was impromptu".

"Oh! Impromptu". She said with

"Do you by any chance know the school they attend". She asked

"Yess! Yes I do. Minderburg high. That school, so expensive". Sound of that, her furry increase. Once again Mena is one step ahead. Noticed the anger on her face. Doubts creeped in.

"Are you okay?".

"Am fine…... thanks". Stutters. Walked away

Stepped out of the compound, changed back

"This means they were in that house… I guess Mena is aware already. If I can't get my hands on them I would do worst". She disappeared

Back to her chamber

"You're back".

"Mena… have the girls".

"But how?".

"Stop asking me stupid questions! How am I supposed to know how. Fool!". She yells. Big sighs, sat on her chair. Fold her arms, deep concentration.

"I have an idea". Turn her chair around

"Am not sure Mena knows anything. She doesn't! so I still have a chance. I killed Allison, still I didn't get my hands on them… there is something protecting them and it's not Mena. Because they were in that house and they knew that I was coming. Else they would not have move. I felt a presence. If not that I killed Zyron myself, I would have said that she's not dead". She paused to think, rolling her chair

"What do you think if you be my mom and you, my dad". Fegrance change to Samantha

"Take your daughter back to school. 13years back when Richard kissed a 3years old. How about he kisses a teenager. And then he gives me his 'four sight'. And then I would be able to control, both the past, future and the present and even prediction". She giggled loudly. And then cackled

"Then I would find out who has been protecting those fool. And I get my hands on it… I would teach it a lesson that it would never forget. So, what do you say, take your daughter, Samantha! To school. Mr. and Mrs. Lucan". Turn her chair around, smiling at her mirror.