Stage 15: When god plays dice.

- "Princess, please don't run through the halls!" – A scene as familiar as it was distant, running down the internal corridor that adjoined a beautiful garden, whose center was framed by a leafy cherry tree in full bloom.

When she finished her etiquette classes, the original owner of this body used to sneak into that place to avoid the piercing looks of the maids who served under the orders of the Empress Beatriz, trying to make as little noise as possible to earn a few minutes of tranquility.

- "I see that you also like the rain of petals that this majestic tree provides, my young princess" - Reclining, ignoring the etiquette rules that marked the royal line, a woman with beautiful black hair and ruby red eyes, she caressed the head of a small infant who was sleeping peacefully on her lap.

- "I, I'm sorry! I didn't know this was his favorite place, I'm leaving"

- "Wait little one, it is very sad not to share such a wonderful place. Stay by my side, I promise not to hurt you" – The gentle touch of Angela's concubine's hand felt like the soft touch of rose petals in summer, with a warmth that managed to shake the heart even if it was with heavy burdens of worry.

- "Don't you hate me?"

- "Of course not! Who could come to hate a beautiful lady like you?

- "The Empress does it"

- " Mmm , certainly. But if I tell you a secret, do you promise to keep it?" - Nodding her head, the original Amelia had wide eyes with an expression of expectation that she couldn't hide, even more so with the smiling attitude of the concubine Angela. Who, bringing her lips to the ear, whispered: "She does not hate you, but she is afraid of you"

- "Fear? Why?"

- "One occasion, while passing near her room, I heard the empress murmuring about the oracle of a prophecy that had come from the temple. In it they said that just as it was in the beginning, a star would rise from the land of Pandora. That he would reign alongside the sun and bring prosperity to the world."

- "So I am that star?" – With a face brimming with illusion, that creature that had lived its first years in sad solitude and gloom, believed in Angela's words. Who was just about to continue with the oracle, was abruptly interrupted by a man who stood next to her.

- "What are you doing here? I think I told you that the court doctors advised you to be on bed rest, Angela."

- "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but you already know me. I love to enjoy the soft breeze that this tree provides" – With the expression of her serene face, directing a candid look at the man, Angela got up taking him by the hand while holding little Leopoldo who was still submerged in that imperturbable dream.

With a bit of greed in her heart, little Amelia couldn't take her eyes off that scene of a loving family, so close to her and at the same time, so far away. Making her let out a little pouty moan, as she tried to hold back her tears.

- "Amelia! Aren't you supposed to be in your history classes?" – With brown hair like burnished bronze, Emperor Alexander's face was coarse in his expressions. So hard for a child to bear, causing the little girl to burst into tears.

- "Your Majesty! She's just a girl, plus she's his daughter. Don't you think you're being too rigid?"

- "Do you think I'm rigid with her?"

- "Yes Alexander, I think you are" - The emperor knew that concubine Angela rarely used to call him by name, despite loving each other deeply. Only reserving that gesture when they were in private or trying to make her understand when she was suffering for something inside the palace.

Giving a sigh, lowering his face, Alexander was able to understand the intentions of his beloved's heart, prostrating his knee on the ground as he reached out his hand to caress Amelia's head.

- "Stop crying. I'm not mad at you, but both you and Leopoldo are my biggest concern in this palace. I don't want anyone to find defects in you that could cause you pain or discomfort."

- "Alexander, sometimes actions carry more weight than words. Why don't you spend some time next week with the princess?"

- "You know I can't do it. In five days the high council will begin and the monarchs must meet to attend to the affairs that correspond to the continent" - The emperor's face seemed downcast when pronouncing those words, as if a heavy weight were on his shoulders when dealing with the topic of the council .

- "Then allow the princess to visit me in the summer palace, let's use as an excuse that I will replace the etiquette teacher because she got seriously sick to her stomach" - Placing the back of her hand on the emperor's cheek, Angela He looked once more, pronouncing his name while placing his forehead against his .

- "You always have to get your way, don't you?"

- "Wasn't that how I won your heart? – That smiling couple, so united by the invisible thread of destiny, was lost along with the image wrapped in darkness while I opened my eyes again with the arrival of morning.

Lying on the silk sheets next to the temple maiden, I wanted to get up feeling an intense pain that ran from my back to my shoulders. Slight lines of blood were marked on the cloth in which my body was exhausted at night, making me realize the deep marks on my skin when contemplating myself in the dressing table mirror.

Trying not to make noise, I went for my clothes that were on a chair, making it impossible for me to locate where my boots had been after the wild frenzy that corrupt maiden made me.

Walking on tiptoes until I found her near the desk, I was about to put them on when my eyes caught my attention an envelope that was on the table. Filling me with intrigue to verify that the wax seal had the emblem of the imperial house of Alberon .

When I took out the document contained in the envelope and looked at it, I realized that all the pages were completely blank. As if the message embodied in them had vanished into thin air.

Thinking that it could be invisible ink, I approached the thin sheets of the letter against the flame of a candle, being surprised at that moment by a voice that almost made me scream in terror in that silent room.

- "User, the content of that document has been erased with magic"

- "Oracle? How can you communicate with me?"

- "The unit recently received a light repair to its mana ducts. But it is impossible for me to fully connect with the host" – For a moment I thought I had recovered my powers, but the Oracle quickly cleared me of my mistake. Crushing my hopes to be able to leave that city as soon as possible.

- "Then there is no point in continuing to review this document"

- "Negative, although I can't reverse the deletion magic. I can help the user to connect with the residual memory of the issuer of the document that is still in it. Do you wish to proceed?"

- "Just do it!" – Feeling a shake in my head as at the moment I received the information of the language of that world, the room began to spin making me sit on the chair while I covered my eyes with my hands.

A distant place, nestled on a mountain miles from here at the other end of the continent. In the kingdom of Ephesus , a meeting was held with the presence of the leaders of the five great royal families.

From Alberon , Empress Beatrix; from the kingdom of Casius , the monarch Rubelius . On the part of Ephesus , the crown prince Maximus was taking his father's place due to illness, and lastly the ambassador Mikail of Siegfried's vassal kingdom . All of them were gathered in the high council room, prostrate around a table where the seat of the dignitary of Eunice's kingdom was empty.

- "How much longer do we have to wait for that damned imbecile Teodoro? Ever since he found those veins of primordial stones, the fumes have gone to his head. Are you insinuating that your presence is too much for those of us present here?" – Hitting his fist hard on the table, Rubelius von Casius had a countenance like that of a fighting bull that has been thrown into the ring.

- "It is that the royal family of Casius has lost its manners and they are not taught manners."

- "Shut up damn witch! The one who should be occupying that seat is Prince Leopold. How long will you pretend to be the sovereign? When you're just a simple viper that got into Alexander's bed" – Keeping silent, putting her fan halfway across her face, Beatriz's gaze was injected with anger as a result of Rubelius ' scathing words . Being a childhood friend of the late emperor, Rubelius did not keep up appearances to show his discontent that this woman usurped the throne, protected by imperial law.

- "Please, let's take it easy! I think we are all impatient for the long wait and it is difficult for us to calm down" - Wiping his forehead with a handkerchief, Mikail narrowed his eyes mockingly in the direction of Rubelius , who saw that mischievous gleam in the ambassador's amber eyes, turning his face to spit on the ground at the dignitary's feet.

- "You are a pusillanimous Mikail . You wag your tail like a vile lapdog with this snake so that your kingdom does not fall like the poor bastards of Esterum , I don't know whether to feel sorry or disgusted for you" - Swallowing saliva while clenching his fist, the ambassador looked in the direction of the empress looking for her to respond to the monarch due to her blood ties to the kingdom of Siegfried , but the indolent woman just returned her look ordering her to keep quiet.

- "Gentlemen, we are losing the main subject of this meeting and we have not even begun. As the proper royalty that we are, we have to preserve order or the continent will not be able to survive what is to come" – That young face without malice, with a firm conviction in his words, stood up before those present, raising his hand like an eloquent speaker.

With short hair of an unusual silver color, the young Maximus was the only begotten son of King Madeus . Born the product of the forbidden relationship between the sovereign and a slave from the fallen kingdom of Esterum , the crown prince had had to fight against all odds due to the rejection of the nobles of his kingdom. Managing to consolidate his position thanks to his brilliant economic policies, which freed the kingdom from being absorbed as a mere vassal state by the Alberon empire .

- "Marvelous! The heart of this old man overflows with joy upon hearing the words of such young blood. I beg the goddess for her blessing on you, to guide you through noble paths and continue to grant you wisdom" – Entering through the main door of the hall, escorted by two soldiers who wore armor with the emblems of the holy church; the supreme pontiff, the vicar Benedict entered the meeting causing those present to stand up bowing in reverence for his arrival.

- "The glory of the goddess is upon you, my dear children. Please take a seat and let's start the meeting."

- "Your grace, we are not all together yet"

- "Young prince, we are here who should be. Please sit down" – Feeling a crushing pressure coming from his holiness's presence, the young Maximus was overwhelmed by the gaze of Benedict, who placed his hand on his shoulder pushing his body against the seat.

- "As everyone already knows, just a few months ago the continent was completely shaken by a terrible misfortune before the eyes of our goddess. The Medea forest, which was the living testimony of the myths of the original founders of this land, was destroyed without further ado by an entity whose arrival was prophesied to us more than fifteen years ago."

- "Hold on, your Holiness! What isn't that supposed to mean?" – Exalted by his eminence's declaration, Rubelius got up from his seat placing his hands on the table with the expression of his face changed in dismay.

- "King Rubelius . Please, let me continue" – Hitting the ground with the tip of his cane, Benedicto cleared his throat and continued with his speech.

- "For years, the empire of Alberon had been the faithful guardian of the Medea forest. Even making war against the ambitious kingdom of Esterum , who intended to take the forest to sully their lands. But, still, they have failed without spot on them.

I am a witness of the loyalty of the empire for the goddess, even more coming from this laudable favorite daughter here present before me. Who has kept the prophecy that I gave her years ago, persevering in bringing Princess Lucrecia to the level that the goddess sends as a girl of blessing.

But that other creature, such a lamentable daughter of perdition, who with great care and love was preserved despite being cursed. Not only attempted against the life of our daughter blessed by the goddess Artemis, but also was the cause of the disaster in the Medea forest."- When saying those words, those present broke out in discussion accusing each other taking their signs against the empress present.

- "You are stupid! Aren't you supposed to execute her on Mount Dragulos ? If you had only left your damned pride and handed her over to us, this would not have happened" – Breaking the wooden surface of the table with his fists, Rubelius threateningly rushed towards the empress, being stopped on the spot by the escorts of his holiness. Who posed the tips of their spears against the monarch's neck.

- "Your Eminence, tell your men to stop aiming at my neck."

- "I will do it when you show more respect to my presence, King Rubelius . Remember that, before me, a monarch has no more value than that of a simple servant under the doctrine of the goddess "

- "King Rubelius , please return to your seat. The blood we must shed must not be that of our own allies, understand, I beg you" – Taking his arm, Maximus looked condescendingly at the monarch, who restrained his impetus before the prince's pleas. Returning to his seat while the escorts lowered their weapons to return to the side of the Supreme Pontiff.

- "Thank you once again for being a bulwark of order, young prince"

- "Let's leave flattery aside, your Holiness, for my part I need to know. How are you sure that Princess Amelia was the cause of the destruction of the forest? Are there witnesses to it?"

- "Oh young prince, of course there are witnesses. In fact, I have asked the sole survivor to come and give his report personally" – Snapping his fingers for his men to throw the door wide open, Vicar Benedict named the man who was waiting on the other side of the door to tell him. enter to.

- "Cardinal Asmodeus , please. Tell us here what you saw with your own eyes." Putting his right knee on the ground to take Benedict's hand, Asmodeus placed his lips on the ring with the seal of the Holy See and reverently stood before the crowd. .

- "As you already know, the Holy See actively collaborates with the Alberon empire to fulfill the goddess's mandate in our task to hunt down the last of the heretics who call themselves alchemists.

During my years assigned to the service of Empress Beatrix, I was tasked with monitoring the daughter of doom at the same time that I carried out my sacred employment as inquisitor. From my collected observations, I came to suspect about the young princess Amelia in her constant visits to the imperial library. More specifically to the areas reserved for writings that the temple order considers taboo."

- "Cardinal Asmodeus , are you insinuating that Princess Amelia committed the sin of alchemy?" - Raising his hand to his angular chin, Mikail 's mean expression was shown in expectation of Asmodeus 's words , who, pausing briefly, confirmed his statement.

- "Princess Amelia Van Hallen, making use of her cursed arts. She escaped from the carriage that was taking her into custody for her execution, killing the guards who were escorting her. Going into the forest Medea hiding for a month.

With the help of the empress' personal guard and some members of the order, I led a contingent to hunt down the sinner before it was too late. But unfortunately, we were overwhelmed by his overwhelming power and we could not prevent him from taking the life of the fairy queen who guarded the sanctity of the forest" - Raising his hand to his face, Asmodeus He feigned tears in a theatrical way, hiding the evil expression of his gaze. Being seen by the empress, who took the fan to her face, covering a complicit smile.

- "As you have heard, the heretic Amelia Van Hallen is still alive. And as long as that seed of evil remains to stain this Goddess-blessed land, the peace that was built over millennia by the pact of the original arcane dragons will be irretrievably threatened.

That is why all of us present here, just as the founding fathers of the myth did, by the authority that the goddess has granted me as her representative, I summon you to wage the holy war against the incarnation of evil. Let not a single place on the continent remain unsearched, let there be no refuge for the sinner Amelia" – Whipping his cane hard, the Supreme Pontiff gave the sacred order of holy war against the young princess and anyone who came to help her.

Feeling as if blood was flowing from my nose, I snapped out of my trance by pulling in a breath of air as I fell to the ground completely dizzy and unable to stand up.

Shuffling a bit trying to get out the door, being stopped by a heavy heel strike on my head.

- "Little stray sheep, why are you leaving so soon without telling me?" – Turning me around to face up, the maiden Nohemí sat on my chest making it difficult for me to breathe due to the weight of her body. Squeezing his buttocks against my ribs, while taking my arms by the wrists bringing them over my head.

- "Please let me go. I have to go home" – Turning a deaf ear to my pleas, Nohemí kissed me on the mouth biting my lip until it bled. Outlining an unhealthy smile as his face approached my ear.

- "Did you see something you shouldn't?"

- "No, I swear"

- "Don't lie to me, you damn whore!" - Sticking a letter opener on the palms of my hands against the ground, I screamed with the little strength that my chest had, hoping to get the attention of the guards behind the door without any success.

- "When I first saw you, I knew you were a spy from Eunice's kingdom. That black hair and your slanted eyes, can only be from those impious damned who dwell beyond the ocean. That is why I, I wanted to purify you with my love. Bring you to the fair path of the goddess Artemis and atone for your sins with my flesh. But behold, what is unholy will always be unholy no matter what is done" -Lifting her torso slightly above me, Nohemí spat in my face as she yelled for the guards to enter the room.

- "Take this sinner to the dungeon! Let the team of inquisitors make her confess by all possible means to this spy from Eunice's kingdom. Make her beg for the salvation of our goddess and maybe, just maybe, I can achieve her absolution" – Grabbing me by the arms, the soldiers of the ecclesiastical order dragged me out of the room. Throwing me into a cell where they handcuffed me hand and foot, leaving me in a threadbare tunic that left part of my nakedness exposed on the cold stone floor.

- "Oracle? Oracle! Can you hear me?" – The echo of an interference noise resounded in my head leaving me without an answer.