Stage 18: Imperial Edict.

- "Really this prince is a nuisance, I have never encountered a mind so resistant to brainwashing" - In the depths of the underground passages of the imperial palace of Alberon , surrounded by stone walls that retained the cold stale air of humidity , Asmodeus hit his work table throwing all the items on it.

Handcuffed to a chair blindfolded, Prince Leopold had a gaunt countenance. With her lips cracked with thirst, her cheekbones were sunken from days of refusing to eat.

- "I see that you have lost your touch, old friend" - Escorted by a guard, the empress entered that laboratory with the expression on her face that reflected an air of severity.

- "Beatriz knows better than I how difficult it is to work with specimens of pure lineage" - Due to the air of familiarity with which the sorcerer addressed the empress, the guard drew his sword a little, being stopped on the spot by Beatriz. Who shot him an angry look, making him back out of the room.

- "Since you were little you only gave excuses to distract yourself from your homework. If it weren't for our father loving your mother so much, the queen consort would have given you as food for the chimeras for experimenting on her maids."

- " Ha,ha,ha . Hey, it's true. But you must admit that it sucks to have to live for centuries without adding a little emotion to life" – Unlike the rest of the kingdoms, Siegfried's royal house was not a cradle of descendants of the primordial dragons; but in themselves, they were the only remnant of the first blood that enjoyed a much superior longevity. Hiding that secret under a shadow as thick as the clouds in the night sky.

While the rest of the primordial dragons abandoned the essence of humanity for the pact with the goddess, giving their blood in their human descendants. Siegfried 's clan defied that authority by blending through the lines of descendants, in order to carry out their darkest desires.

- "If it weren't for the fact that we share blood, I would really dare to kiss that insolent mouth of yours" - Placing her fingers on Asmodeus 's lips , the empress smiled lewdly without looking away from those amber eyes that they were lost for moments with theirs.

- " Aghhhh "- Shuddering in pain on the chair, Prince Leopold was shaking violently unable to utter a word due to the suppressive spell of speech that was marked on his tongue.

- "I thought that bastard was unconscious!"

- "Don't worry Beatriz, the prince can barely think like a baby after what I've done to him" – Swinging a blood-stained scalpel, Asmodeus 's mischievous smile contrasted with the Machiavellian shine of his eyes.

Having been captured by members of the temple order on his way to Dragulos Mountain , Prince Leopold was placed under arrest by the Empress on suspicion of helping the sinful Amelia escape her execution.

Making use of his public image as a cardinal of the church order, Asmodeus took the prince into custody, leading him into the bowels of the subterranean passages of the imperial palace.

For more than fifteen days, the infamous draconic unleashed endless torture and procedures on the body of the young prince. Who resisted stoically with an unbreakable will, helped by the idea of going out in search of his beloved Amelia.

Despite the fact that the prince's spirit was iron, the flesh of his body gradually languished to Asmodeus 's experiments , leading him to the deplorable state in which he was.

- "We need this weakling to be ready for the next council meeting. I can't keep waiting for you for long."

- "Calm down dear little sister, by the time those puppets meet again in plenary session, you will be accompanied by a beautiful puppet incapable of rejecting your wonderful charms" - Placing her hand on the empress's hip defiantly, Asmodeus stopped Beatriz's right hand from slapping his face.

- "You know well that I am the empress of this empire! Hold back a bit Asmodeus " – Changing the expression of his face to a more serious tone, the sorcerer leaned his face to Beatriz's, leaving their lips almost touching.

- "It is true, you are the empress of this empire. And we both come from the same father's seed. But you must not forget that while your mother was a mere human, mine was a proud primordial dragon. So whether you like it or not, you will always be below me" – Squeezing her wrist tightly, Asmodeuso brought Beatriz to her knees, who put her hand to her mouth trying to contain her cries of pain.

- "You have understood, my empress"

- "Yes i understand." – Unlike her defiant and overbearing attitude she used to display in public, the empress was nothing more than a greedy woman with no power of her own. Knowing herself vulnerable to the imminent superiority of the draconic against her.

- "Three days. In three days you will have your puppet ready and you will be able to play the model mother in front of the public. Until then, refrain from coming to find me in my laboratory. Get out!" – Turning towards the prince, Asmodeus turned his back on the empress. Who withdrew from the room pressing his lips with his eyes reddened by fury.

At the moment that the sorcerer was about to continue with the brainwashing, the sound of a communication stone echoed in the silence of the laboratory. Raging his nerves by throwing a punch against Leopoldo's abdomen.

- "Cardinal Asmodeus , something terrible has happened! All the cardinal inquisitors need to meet at the Holy See as soon as possible" – The interlocutor's voice was altered, as if something incredible had just happened, intriguing the cardinal who was willing to answer the call.

- "This is Asmodeus . Has something happened to the old man?"

- "Negative cardinal, it is not about the supreme potifice Benedict."

- "So what? Speak clearly that I am busy right now!"

- "The city of Litho has been wiped off the map!"

- "Wait a minute, I think I heard wrong, what happened to Litho ?" – Holding the communication stone firmly, Asmodeus listened to the report of the bishop of Siegfried who could hardly utter a word due to the shock that confirming the news had caused him through the order's official channels.

- "So the bastards of Eunice's kingdom have started to move?"

- "No sir! It seems that the attack that destroyed the city was provoked by a single person."

- "Ha, ha, ha. Are you trying to fuck me? Do you want me to believe that a single person massacred a legion of holy knights? And we're not talking about just any order, we're talking about the bloody legion that that arrogant Sebastián was in charge of."

- "I know it sounds impossible to believe my lord, but everything we have been informed is true. A dark-haired woman destroyed the city with an attack of black magic. From his appearance we think he was a spy for Eunice, but the reports that we received from the headquarters before the incident denied that hypothesis" - Upon hearing the description of the attacker, Asmodeus dropped the communication stone, raising his hands to his face while He was laughing loudly inside the laboratory. For him, it could not be another person but the same woman who had made him bite the dust in the Medea forest.

- "Amelia, you little trash. I see you've begun to master the power of that stinking black dragon. I really want to sink my fangs into that neck of yours and drink your blood until you beg me to kill you"- Spreading her wings, the sinister aura imprinted by her bloodlust shook the walls of the room, exhaling furiously as she resumed communication confirming that I would soon go to the Holy See.

- "I think that we will not be able to continue playing for a longer time my dear prince, I have had some work problems that I must attend to. But don't worry, I promise that what I'm about to do won't hurt you much" – Digging his claws into Leopoldo's skull, the sorcerer began to sing a runic chant that manifested a dark aura that enveloped the young heir's body.

- "vita vitae meae caro carnis meae formam sume et essentiam consume" – With a powerful cry coming from his throat, the prince's body collapsed on the chair completely inert without a pulse. For a few minutes later, he woke up with a different personality than he used to.

- "I love, I love. You can hear me" – Feeling the voice of Fausto distant, my body was buried by a mountain of whitish ash that had a suffocating temperature in my lungs.

- "Yes, I hear you Fausto. Give me a damage report."

- "Reporting, the main body is at 10% functionality. Metabolic support systems are stable, but motor functions are offline.

The ground within the blast radius is at an average temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Humidity in the environment at 0% and a strong presence of energy similar to miasma"

- "Miasma? Faust, take the base knowledge of my past life and interpret the energy source under a metric scale of Sieverts" – Fearing the worst due to the data reporting, I asked the oracle to change its basic parameters to the ones I knew from my old world . Feeling a chill that went through my soul when hearing its results.

- "Conversion of finished data analysis. Residual miasma has been renamed radiation and its nominal values are in the range of 400 mSv/h" – Just as I feared, due to the material Abadon 's eye was made of , added to the concentration of energy released by Sandra coupled with my shot, that resulting energy was equivalent to releasing an atomic bomb in that small blast radius.

Unable to move due to lack of mana, the armor on my body was destroyed exposing my skin to radioactive material. Starting to give me headaches followed by profuse vomiting as my skin broke out in throbbing sores.

- "Life support warning, main body metabolic processes are beginning to break down. Imminent risk of death in T-120 min" – Upon hearing that devastating prognosis, I felt as if my heart fell into a bottomless abyss. In desperation, I tried to channel the radiation in the air into my body, turning it into mana, allowing me to break out of the immense layer of ash that covered me, but at the cost of accelerating the radiation poisoning my body was in. .

When I surfaced, I could see that desolate wasteland where the city of Litho used to be . No matter where I directed my gaze, the dust dunes covering the rubble of the buildings were blurred by the ash fallout from the explosion.

All that destruction in front of me was the result of my arrogance in believing that I could control the power of the goddess. Even knowing that Sebastian and the ghouls were completely destroyed with that attack, my soul felt heavy at the thought of the possibility that the shock wave had reached Sandra along with the villagers.

"Master, the cellular activity of the capillaries begins to slow down" – As I ran my hand through my hair, I realized the horror of radioactive poisoning spreading through each of my cells. Like thin threads falling from a doll's head, my hair was torn out by the lightest touch of my fingers.

- "Faust, do we have enough mana to spread our wings?"

- "Negative, the remaining mana in the body is being used to slow down the toxic effects of radiation."

- "Hey Fausto, he was honest. Do you think I can get out of this hell?" – Keeping a deep silence for a few seconds, the oracle answered me again denying any possibility of survival.

Feeling how my legs lost their strength, my body collapsed on the hot sand of nuclear winter. Starting to cough up blood when I felt how my alveoli were destroyed, increasing the accumulation of fluid in my lungs.

- "Damn fat cow, don't even think about dying!" – The silhouette of a golem in the shape of a griffin flapping its wings, shook the stale air with strong gusts of wind as it descended to the ground, allowing its crew to set foot on solid ground.

- "Busty! do your thing"

- "I have already told you that my name is Ofelia, stop calling me busty" - After fighting with the alchemist, the priestess extended her cane over me and began to sing a healing chant that returned a healthy appearance to my body. that as soon as he finished reciting the spell, he deteriorated again.

- "What happen? Why isn't your magic working?"

- "I just don't know, divine power is supposed to cure almost any abnormal state! But this… Ugh " – Raising her hands to her mouth while spitting up blood, the priestess began to feel dizzy just like Sandra. Making an effort to make my tongue work against the cramps of the poisoning, I asked Sandra to leave that disastrous place, riding on the tap, which was already beginning to break down due to the intense level of radiation in the air.

Dragging my body, Ofelia and Sandra could barely stay conscious due to the effects of radiation. Managing with great difficulty to raise the flight until we were finally able to escape from that hell, over which the alchemist cast a containment barrier enchantment in order to prevent any creature from entering that terrain.

- " Ugh , Amelia. What the hell did you do back there? Abadon 's Eye is not capable of unleashing such destructive power."

- "Sandra, do not ask questions at this time. Just take us to a city near the sea"

- "Like a coastal city! Amelia, the only nearby city with access to the coast is the city of Philius . And that place is not exactly…"

- "Damn Sandra, just do what I tell you!" – Remaining hoarse due to my desperation, the maiden Ofelia did not stop using her divine power on us while she continued to feel how her body dwindled at times before the effort of channeling her mana with the radiation wounds.

- " Tch , it's okay. We will do as you say, but don't blame me by the time we get there" - Extending her hands over the head of the griffin, Sandra turned the course towards the city bathed by the waves of the sea, while light drops of sweat were visible on her forehead. in the cold air of the heights.

On the other hand, in the distant kingdom of Ephesus , built on top of a mountain that carried the weight of the mythical story of the creation of the world, the main temple of the holy seat of worship to the goddess Artemis was packed with countless orders. of holy knights who gathered at the call of the supreme pontiff. Within the troubled halls of marbled floors, the parade of holy robes and uniforms cast a colorful tinge to the eyes of any curious onlooker.

- "Are you sure he will come?"

- "I am completely sure that he will be here present. When I contacted him through the communication stone, he sounded strangely excited." – Traveling in a bumpy way between the members of the order, two priests walked holding rolls of parchments that they could barely hold from the amount they carried.

Vinicio and Edmundo had been two orphans in the streets of the holy city of Artemis, who, just by a twist of fate, saw their luck change during one of the processions of the Supreme Pontiff on the day of the goddess' atonement.

Sensing that this meeting had been predestined by divine grace, they did not hesitate for a moment to follow the man on whom the weight of the faith of millions of the world fell. That at that time he was accompanied by a bishop with a stern countenance, with amber eyes as penetrating as sharpened stakes.

- "Believe me, Edmund. Cardinal Asmodeus has never been irresponsible with the duties of the temple."

- "It's true, but lately he spends a lot of time in the imperial palace next to that cold woman."

- "Lower your voice! What if someone overhears you speak in that manner of the Empress of Alberon ?"

- "I know what you mean, but you must admit Edmund that being involved with that woman has seriously affected the reputation of Cardinal Asmodeus . Even among the members of the order they have already given him a nickname "

- "Oh, wow! I am very curious. Could you tell me what nickname is that?" – As if it were a ghost, Asmodeus suddenly appeared behind the priests' backs. Who dropped the scrolls of fright when contemplating that smiling face with closed eyes.

- "Your excellence! You are welcome" – Getting on their knees with their arms folded in front and their faces lowered in reverence, the priests could barely contain the fear in their bodies, trembling before the suffocating aura of the sorcerer.

- "Yes, thanks for the welcome. But they still haven't answered my question."

- "Your grace, it is only light talk. Don't take that into account" – With a broken voice as if he was having trouble breathing, Vinicio kept his face down while Asmodeus 's hand caressed his hair as if it were a puppy.

- "Please don't be like that my dear Vinicio, how could I get angry with you if I myself was commissioned by the Supreme Pontiff to raise you when we found you in that alley full of alcoholics and sluts. I wouldn't waste my parenting time thinking of killing them over something so petty. So tell me, what's that nickname?"

- "They call him the empress's mad dog!" – Driven by panic at the situation, Edmundo said that nickname out loud in the middle of the crowd that was petrified the moment they turned their gazes in the cardinal's direction.

- "So for the soldiers of the holy order I am just a mere mad dog? Is that what you're trying to say Edmundo?" – Rising from the ground shaking his cassock, Asmodeus watched all the knights present who took a step back as soon as they felt the sorcerer approaching them with a threatening aura.

- "Oh come on, don't be shy! Holy knights of the order of the goddess, illustrious sons of the prominent noble houses throughout the world. Are we not all gathered here by the firm conviction of faith? I think we can talk openly among ourselves without the painful need to gossip behind our backs" – Maintaining a solemn posture with outstretched arms as if seeking conciliation, Asmodeus gave his speech flaunting his position as cardinal of the church.

- "In truth his words are very eloquent, but in his actions he manifests a total contradiction to his cardinal speech" - Breaking the silence among the tumult of soldiers of the order, a knight dressed in scarlet armor stepped forward challenging Asmodeus . Planting his face with his outstanding silhouette. Of a stout build and brown hair, Archimedes, was the nephew of King Rubelius ; Who served as captain of the order of the temple, in the confines of the territory of the kingdom of Casius .

Of the same temperament as his uncle, Captain Arquímedes did not hesitate to show the sincerity of his words according to the weight of his actions. Despising those who behind the scenes tried to pull the strings as if there were no consequences for them.

- "Captain Arquímedes, I haven't seen you for some time. It's a shame we can't meet due to our busy schedules."

- "You are right, it is difficult for us to meet. Even more so when you dedicate yourself to behaving more like a lapdog for the empress of Alberon , than a cardinal at the service of the temple" - Twisting his mouth a little and clenching his fist under the sleeve of his cassock, Asmodeus kept up appearances in front of that a man who was eight inches taller than him. Making a slight effort to keep his face up to confront the captain.

- "I think I will have to grant you that, captain, if I had not spent so much time attending to the diplomatic affairs of the Holy See, that painful incident in Litho would not have occurred . Tell me how many soldiers of the order died? Maybe a hundred, two hundred maybe? Oh, I remember. I think it was the entire legion under the command of Captain Sebastian. If only I had been here, maybe we wouldn't have had to go through such embarrassment" – Intentionally touching that sensitive chord within Archimedes' heart, Asmodeus provoked the captain to draw his sword in order to have a compelling reason to kill him on the spot.

- "Enough! Everyone remember where you are right now. I will not overlook any act that could be considered blasphemy due to the sanctity of this venue." - Hitting the tip of his cane on the ground, with the appearance of that silhouette of an elderly man, all present knelt in submission.

- "Cardinal Asmodeus ! I am glad to know that you have made space in your busy diplomatic schedule and deign to come when I call you."

- "How could I not do it if you ask me, your excellency?"

- "Good I like it! Follow me, I have to talk to you about an important matter before everyone meets in the main atrium of the main temple" – Giving him the signal to get up, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict continued on his way accompanied by Cardinal Asmodeus , towards the His Holiness's main office.

- "Before I forget, Captain Archimedes. I certainly like your devotion to church affairs. But if an outburst like the one just now occurs again, rest assured that the kingdom of Casius will have to render severe accounts for such acts." – With a malicious expression in his eyes, Benedicto cast an intimidating look at the captain, who hit his forehead against the ground thanking him for the consideration of forgiving his mistake.

Continuing his way through the corridors of the east wing of the temple, the supreme pontiff was escorted by his personal guard in the company of the cardinal until he reached the doors of his office. Giving them the order to withdraw so that they could discuss in private what, in Benedict's opinion, was a matter of vital importance.

- "You will have to excuse me, Cardinal Asmodeus . But these old bones are no longer what they were long ago" – Giving himself a slight blow to his hip, Benedicto continued his way to his desk, pausing briefly giving a slight sarcastic laugh.

- "Maybe you should get a new walking stick or you could have chosen a less disastrous body to mask yourself"

- " Asmodeus , I won't accept that coming from you! – Surrounded by a dense dark cloud, the body of the Supreme Pontiff transformed into the voluptuous appearance of a woman with a beautiful appearance and silver hair like the moon.

- "If it weren't for that cursed Dionysus assigning me to this stinking world, I wouldn't be forced to have to keep that miserable primitive form"

- " Ouch , who would say that a daughter would speak of her father in that way. Goddess Eris" – After the fall of the first creation of this world, the goddess Artemis refused to actively collaborate in the plans of the primordial god, who saw no alternative but to send the goddess Eris to influence through her power upon the weakened mind of Artemis. Roaming the earth usurping bodies in order to remain an active agent in the service of the high divine council.

- "You know very well why I have brought you here. Explain to me why you forced me to bring that soul into this world. What are your plans?" – Leaning her hands on the desk, the goddess leaned her body with her gaze on Asmodeus , who spread his arms mockingly, averting his gaze with a smile on his lips.

- "Stop fucking with me, idiot! You know very well that it is a severe transgression to transport souls between worlds over which you have no power as a god. If my father found out"

- "Calm down Eris! If your father finds out there will be no problem, this plan benefits him more than it harms him"

- "How can the plans of mere human beings be in accordance with the designs of the gods? Are you kidding me?" – The interior of the room was covered by a dark veil, creating an internal dimension from which no sound could reach the exterior of the walls. While the goddess released all her frustration by projecting discharges into the air that made the sorcerer's hair stand on end.

- "Do you remember the soul that Artemis brought to this plane? That little girl that he brought from the earth to occupy the body of the girl of the prophecy"

- "Yes, I remember her. That fucking bitch evaded my control and I completed the transfer in that fucking dying body. What does he have to do with this?"

- "Oh my dear Eris. My sweet goddess of discord, I'm surprised that with your wisdom you still haven't realized how important that soul is to our plans. That corrupted essence will put the balance in our favor, just trust me" – Approaching the goddess extending his hand to caress her ear, Asmodeus smiled candidly as he looked into Eris's eyes.

- "Okay, I'll believe in you! Even though you're a devil"

- "Oh how cruel you are Eris! Demon is a very insipid word to refer to my person "

- "Tasteless? As far as I remember, you stopped being a god when you fled from the divine council to pursue your unrequited love. Such a foolish goddess"

- "Shut up!" – Releasing his power for a few moments, Asmodeus 's aura broke the veil placed by the goddess while small fragments of flesh became ash from the sorcerer's body.

- "You have reincarnated so many times that your own divine essence begins to repel your own flesh Asmodeus . Don't be silly and go back to the divine council, I'm sure father will receive you…"

- "Ha, ha, ha. It's been ages since someone made me laugh like this, thank you Eris. But we both know that as soon as I set foot in the council, your dear father will take my head" – Turning his face a little with a gloomy expression, Asmodeus bit his lip, clenching his fist with a slight air of anger. For him, the existence of Dionysus was a thorn in his side, constantly reminding him that that god had taken away whoever was his only love.

- "Okay, I'm not going to insist with you. You're a stubborn bastard to the core and we can never agree on everything. But at least tell me what you used that soul for. Where did you hide it?"

- "Don't eat cravings Eris, you'll know it the moment you attend the meeting with the league of monarchs" – Taking a step back, the goddess was surprised to realize the sorcerer's intentions, taking the shape of the sumo again. Pope Benedict.

- "You really are a pain in the ass, Cardinal Asmodeus " - Taking his cane, the Supreme Pontiff left the room, leaving behind the cardinal, who sat on his excellency's throne, clasping his hands with an expression clouded with joy. .

- "Tell me, did you memorize the names of the dignitaries who will attend the meeting?" – Walking on the scarlet carpet that led to the audience hall of the royal palace of Ephesus , Empress Beatrix led at her side a young man dressed in the garb intended for royals of the Alberon empire .

- "Calm empress. I'll do my part well for this occasion. By the way, should I call you mother?" – With the appearance of Prince Leopold, the soul brought by the evil sorcerer looked around with a somber expression that even scared Beatriz.

- "No, it is enough that you address me by my title"

- "Well, you're right. It would be too strange for me to call her mother if sweet princess Lucretia won't stop clinging to me like a pesky fly."

- "How dare you!" – At the moment the empress was about to raise her hand, the prince turned his face with a sinister expression in his eyes as icy as the cold of the last circle of hell. Making Beatriz lower her trembling hand at the ominous aura of that strange being in front of her.

- "Remember that we both serve a higher plan, Empress. Do not forget what position you are in" – Leaving Beatriz behind, the prince was announced by the guards who gave him access to the meeting room where the leaders were already present waiting for him.

- "Your Excellencies, I, Prince Leopold Primus of Alberon . I attend to your call to start this meeting" – Walking with a stoic demeanor in front of the members of the council, the prince went to where the Supreme Pontiff was to kneel down in order to kiss him on the back of his hand.

- "Welcome illustrious Prince Leopoldo, please take a seat with the rest of the leaders" - Bowing, the prince turned around preparing to take his place at the table. With the look of King Rubelius who was skeptical of the behavior of the young heir.

- "It has been quite a while since I saw you, young prince. How have you been?

- "Unfortunately I have found myself unwell for health reasons, King Rubelius . But a monarch should not put his needs before those of his people" – Hearing those words, Rubelius felt a slight relief when he realized that the young man in front of him was not a double brought by the empress. Smiling friendly shaking his hand, feeling the cold skin to the touch of Leopoldo's body.

- "Prince, your skin is too cold. I think it was too soon for him to come if he was still in such poor health."

- "King Rubelis ! I appreciate your concern, but as I have already told you, the reason for my presence before you is due to a greater interest in my personal needs. Noble Council of the League of Nations, I humbly ask your forgiveness for having allowed my selfish desires to allow the sinful Amelia Van Hallen to escape her fate with death.

But more than that, the reason for my presence before everyone is to request your collaboration in a matter of equal importance. According to the reports of our spies within the kingdom of Eunice, the royal family of that territory has begun to mobilize in a dangerous way against the border of the sacred kingdom where we are" - Surprised by that news, Prince Maximus rose from his seat startled upon hearing the words of Prince Leopold. Who, putting his hand on Maximus's shoulder, asked him to join forces with the empire in order to provide security for the holy seat of the church.

- "Of course, my kingdom will always be at the service of the high priest and to help the empire of Alberon . In fact, my prince, my officers have already distributed the wanted and apprehended posters about the sinful Amelia" – Snapping his fingers, Prince Maximus ordered a servant to bring one of the posters with him, delivering it into Leopold's hands. Who sketched a sinister smile when contemplating the spoken portraits of the appearance of the runaway princess.

- "What a wonderful surprise!"

- "Excuse me?"

- "It's nothing Prince Maximus, I was just talking to myself" - Clenching the paper with his fist, Prince Leopold evoked the imperial edict order before those present. To form the coalition army to face the threat of Eunice's kingdom.