Settling The Debt

"I will find a way to annul the engagement, you don't have to worry," Ethan said as he looked at Anicia firmly.

"What? You can't do that!" Anicia exclaimed in surprise and said desperately.

"Huh? Why?" Ethan asked in puzzlement as he did not think that Anicia actually wanted to get married and truth be told he wasn't ready for these things yet either.

"Well... Because of this engagement, no one will dare attack the Stout territory anymore... You see, our lineage isn't that of warriors or knights. We are healers and cannot protect ourselves as well in case of a strong assault." Anicia said with a downcast expression.

"You have saved my life and for that, you have my gratitude, I'm sure that my father feels the same way. If anything happens my house can surely come in need. There is no need for marriage." Ethan tried to reason as he did not know Anicia's circumstances yet.