Off To The City

Outside the Whites' Family Mansion, the lavish violet-colored carriage with gold stripes and intricate design on its door and edges was ready standing along with Albert in a black coat as well as three elite bodyguards and Ethan himself. 

It was the time after a few hours when Ethan fled from first-hand embarrassment. 

He planned to explore and see the city he had been living in for so many years for the first time. Everything was ready to go and he was just waiting for Anicia to show up. 

"So that's the young master?" Fred who was one of the bodyguards gossiped in a quiet voice. 

"Apparently so, I'm also seeing him for the first time." Willkie, the second armored bodyguard answered. 

"Is it true what they say?" Jason inquired with a doubtful tone as he glanced at Ethan who was standing in some distance with Albert. 

"Don't go on his looks... He may look delicate but they say that he's a natural genius!" Willkie replied confidently.