Ethan's Doubts

The Church was located southwest end of Adenberd not far from the City walls. Unlike other parts of the city, It was much quieter and more serene. 

When the carriage stopped in front of the church, which was obviously by no means of modest appearance—Albert got off his horse and spoke from outside the carriage. 

"Would you like to go in, Young Master?" Asked Albert. 

Ethan pondered silently as he looked at the huge symbol of the Church above its doors, he was very interested in its inner workings as the church was deeply linked with Akarxia's history.

Ethan hoped that he would find some clues about the prophecy through the church. However, at the same time, he was unsure of the entire idea of a 'Religious Organisation'.

As someone who hailed from modern-day earth, Ethan had learned his history lessons well. He knew what the bottom-line purpose of such an organization was and how much carnage it all caused throughout history.