Restless (2) - Anicia

"Knock... Knock"

The sound of hesitant, silent knocking rang in the dead of night. The knocks were quite inconsistent with a few seconds of silence between them, they were also timid and reserved in nature as if the person outside weren't sure of their actions. 

Ethan did not wake up immediately as he had been exhausted after the troublesome day and was asleep peacefully. 

"Knock..... Knock" 

The knocks sounded once again. This time not so reserved—however, with a hint of nervousness added to the uncertainty. 

This time Ethan woke up squinting his eyes drowsily as he rubbed them and glanced outside his room's window, just to see that it was still night-time. 

"Damn, who's mother died at this hour?" Ethan muttered in confusion and annoyance as he heard the sound of knocking yet again.