
"Blade of Kahnver wins again! We have our champion!" The announcer declared with a loud voice as the tournament finally ended. The crowd burst into cheers of excitement and Albaer stood up. 

"Congratulations! This was a wonderful and exciting tournament! I applaud all the brave warriors who participated and ask to stay for the banquet! Ser Kahn! As I have heard, you indeed live up to your fame. Please…" Albaer said as he asked Kahn to come to the stage. 

Everyone started leaving the arena to enjoy the after-banquet that Albaer had specially prepared. While some of the participants who had gotten injured were being tended to by the White family's physician. 

Kahn bowed respectfully and walked up to Albaer. He was quite tired after the continuous fighting but seemed to be rapidly recovering as well. 

"You truly are skillful in your Sword Arte, I must say! I have never seen something quite like it in all my years." Albaer said with a smile.