Cold And Fire

"I'm sorry…" Ethan muttered in regret averting his gaze guiltily as he heard Afriel speak of what had happened to the knight in real-time. 

The connection that both of them shared was unusual and so they could instantaneously convey their thoughts to each other in a blink of an eye. So basically, it was like Ethan could see everything as it happened in real-time. 

"Master… It's not your fault." Afriel said. 

"Or is it?" Ethan said despondently as he sighed deeply. 

"It's a pity that capable, loyal men will die for no good reason… I will not let this pass. There will be a reckoning." Ethan said resolutely as he narrowed his eyes exuding a faint sharp killing intent. 

Afriel nodded inwardly and once again began narrating the real-time events that were happening beyond the ice walls. 

From the chief of the assailants using the strong fire attribute spell to the knight sacrificing himself to reap more lives—only mere seconds had passed.