Epilogue (1)

In The Central Plains, Far East of Atrana Kingdom, The Precipice of East And West Borderlands— 


The dust rose in the air as a horse galloped highly, heading towards the west. It neighed in fatigue, struggling as it jumped about, making the man on its back almost fall to the ground. 

The man skillfully controlled the horse by pulling its reins as he stroked its back gently and said, "Don't you give up on me now! Go! Those assholes are catching up! You stop and we both are dead! Understand?" 

In response, the horse shook its head in reluctance but did not stop. Although it looked exhausted and on its last leg, it ran for the man's life nonetheless. 

"Good boy!" The man praised as he looked behind him cautiously. 

Looking back over his shoulders, the man could see multiple dots in the distance rapidly approaching as they raised a large dust cloud behind them in their wake.