Fruitful Conversation

A few days passed since Ethan made Aria and Ronan drink the potion. After the first day, both had felt significant changes in their bodies. They noticed that they felt a lot more healthy ever since they took the potion. Despite the excruciating pain involved, they were willing to go through it. 

Ethan could not make the potions daily as their ingredients were rare and costly. But he could do the acupuncture procedure regularly and that's what he did. 

Ethan's schedule was quite packed as after bathing and rinsing his teeth, Ethan did some exercise followed by swordsmanship training. After that, he would join the others for breakfast and leave for a round in the town. After returning, he would go to the castle and handle the official work. In the evenings he would cultivate his ancestral blessing, read books in the library, and do the acupuncture treatment on Aria and Ronan.