Removing Bad Apple

In the headquarters of the city watch, the soldiers and guards were going about their daily routine. The soldiers were ready to respond to any news as they went about their respective work. 

In the chief's office, a man with a curvy mustache, big eyes, and a muscular physique, wearing light armor, was sitting in his chair as he read the various papers in front of him one by one. 

Suddenly, the door opened with a thud and the man frowned in anger as he shouted, "How audacious! Who the fu-"

Halfway through the sentence, he abruptly stopped, seeing the squad of the White Family's knights at the door. A moment passed as the knights and the man stared at each other but then a guard came running into the office from behind the knights. 

He wore a confused, panic-stricken expression on his face as he made his way to the man. He bowed and said, "Sir, that- they just barged in…"