Maugier Family

The city of Claudwill was an average city located in the Whitesburg Duchy, north of the Azurehelm River and close to the key trade route, The Golden Silk Road. 

Apart from its impressive population and the proximity and accessibility to the Golden Silk Road, the city and its overseer Baron Maugier did not have much merit. 

Baron Maugier and his family were hereditary nobles who could enjoy the noble lifestyle due to the good Karma of their ancestors. But even so, they were recently appointed nobles and only had a history of four generations. 

Originally, the Maugiers were humble merchants who originally couldn't even hope for such a prosperous future. But fate was such that they found themselves in complicated situations. 

At that time, the flourishing and illustrious Golden Silk Road rose to fame among the merchant community as well as the nobles who were on the precipice of this route.