
"Adrian! You're courting death! Don't you know what happens to those who defy the Kingdom?! You will doom us all! Cease this nonsense at once!" Baron Craith shot up from his seat and bellowed aggravatingly, his eyes wide as saucers and his face pale with terror. 

Adrian narrowed his eyes and fell into contemplating for a moment as if he was truly pondering on what Craith had said. But just as Craith began having some hope of redemption, Adrian grinned mockingly. Then, he burst out laughing. 

"Hahaha! Tell me, dear Lord Craith. If you know what happens to those who go against the kingdom then why did you betray the kingdom?" Adrian said calmly, flicking his sleeves in contempt. 

Indeed, hearing these words, Lord Craith's face paled further as all blood drained from his face in an instant. A severe pressure like that of a mountain crushing him descended upon his shoulders.