Chapter 10: Revival

Stephen was bleeding out, slowly but surely. A pack of wild birds sat on top of his body and pecked away at him. This was speeding up the process. Thankfully, Drew was out patrolling the area in his cop car. He had his window down and could smell the bloody situation.

Drew immediately stopped his car and stormed out. He got over to the situation as quickly as possible. Once Drew realized who had become the next victim, he didn't hold back. He lifted up Stephen's body and brought him back over to his vehicle. Drew laid him out along the back seats and bit down on his neck, for a good amount of time.

A full 24 hours went by. It took that long for Stephen to both stay alive and become a half vampire. He woke up both dazed and confused, along the side of his bed. His mind slowly recalled what had occurred. At least, what had happened with Travis.

"What...what, I'm still alive?" asked Stephen. "How could this be?"