Chapter 13: Fresh Start

The following morning was not much of a fresh start for Stephen. It was another day with another concern. He thought to himself. "Damn, when am I going to be able to figure things out? It's just like I'm getting hit by a new negative whenever things finally seem positive."

Stephen had another assignment to do for France's father. He went out with a well-hooded attire. This pair of clothing really made Stephen stick out. Many of the locals had at least a short sleeve shirt on. Travis wasn't out there to notice him. Mr. Dupont noticed upon Stephen's arrival to bring in the latest photos taken.

"So, you're feeling cold out there?" asked Mr. Dupont.

"Nah, mainly for how low the ac is in like every building."

Mr. Dupont giggled to himself. "True that. But don't worry, just messing with you."

Stephen considered questioning this. However, he didn't want to risk things, prior to his plans that night. "Alright then. So, what location would you like me to hit for next time?"