Frances was very pleased with the news from her father. Stephen, on the other hand, had felt a tad-bit nervous. He wasn't too sure, even with generally still behaving like a normal human, how he'd come off to Mr. Dupont. In addition, an elderly man that he'd have never met before. The three returned to Demetri's apartment.
Drew had been waiting for their return. They were shocked by this. He could tell that there was nervousness expressed across from the three of their faces. Drew laughed and waved them over to him. Stephen, and the rest, came over.
"Hey, relax everyone. There's nothing to worry about," said Drew.
"Then what on Earth are you doing awake during the light of day?" asked Stephen.
Drew flung his head back and laughed some more. "Oh, what, you forget that you texted me the good news of Frances getting the big Broadway role back?"