Chapter 36: Truth Revealed

It became the following morning. The group had some time to kill prior to the plan. They went out for breakfast by the Hudson River. It wasn't too crowded. This most likely due to their arrival being right at open, and many locals still trying to sleep off their hangovers.

Frances ordered a coffee and a breakfast burrito. Drew had ordered waffles, while Stephen had a pancake. Mr. Dupont and Demetri were the ones to laugh at. They both ordered the hangover burger. The two wouldn't admit to it, but they had plenty to drink the previous night.

Now, being a group together, was not going to last. They all got back to the apartment. The mission was for Stephen and Drew to get back over to their apartment and try to ready themselves. Mr. Dupont's job was going to be to operate the droid from their current location. Now for Frances, and Demetri, it was down to them to pretty much just sit and hope for the best.