Stephen was very disappointed in how things turned out. He had hoped dearly that the final decision needed to be made would be an obvious one. The two returned to the house. Drew and Demetri had been waiting for their arrival. Frances and Stephen had an obvious not so hopeful look to their faces.
"So, guessing things didn't work out?" asked Demetri.
"No, it really didn't," said Frances. "My dad honestly tried his best to torment me with all of the negatives of being a vampire."
"Wow, what a self-centered jerk," said Demetri.
Drew lifted his hand up at him. "Hey, let's not make negative comments like that. Let's focus on a positive before going back in on this. So Stephen, tonight was your big premier on Broadway. How did it go?"
"It went well," said Stephen. "I was fairly pleased with it."
"Now see that's wonderful," said Drew. "Now, any other positives to mention?"
The room became silent for quite some time.