Chapter 47: Divided

The room had grown silent. Nobody had expected Stephen's words. Drew may have related in saying how the things Erin revealed had kept to his mind as well. However, the newly discovered facts about being a half vampire, did not bring the same kind of thoughts to Drew, as it did to Stephen. Frances was the most shocked of them all.

"What, so you want to live on forever without me?" asked Frances. "I figured that I'd become like you so that we'd live a long life together. Then get to start it all over again, young again, like how Erin is now."

"It wouldn't exactly work like that for us," said Stephen. "From what I understand, Erin was reborn as a young vampire due to turning into one as an elderly aged human. So, for Drew and I, we'd be reborn as an elderly human due to turning into a vampire at such a young age."

"Well not exactly sure if that's how it'd work for me," said Drew. "Since I was born this way. I don't really know if--"