Trouble stirred up

The little baby Azuka was to spend three days in the incubator because her body system was not strong enough to face the atmosphere of the earth.

On Ivy's mind is the act to put on when next she see her husband.The three days passed quite quickly. It was time to go home.

Mr & Mrs Azuka are not wealthy, just in the average class. They could afford to feed themselves and only one additional mouth. The cesarean operation combined with money for other things like baby food, delivery service fee and others really affected their financial status. Their parents were, let's just say a bit different from poor . The Azukas were left with nothing after attending to the bills.

*****Azuka Ivy is back home and is not talking to her husband.she is giving him attitude, ignoring him. Mr Azuka who knew the cause of this reactions also avoided her until she realizes that it will profit her nothing but depression.

As culture demands, when a woman gives birth to a baby either the mother or mother- in- law would come and assist the woman in taking care of the child. so Ivy called her mother to take care of baby Ivy . Ivy didn't call her mother in law to assist her in babysitting baby ivy but her tradition demanded that the mother-in-law should be the one to take care of the child since her son is the head of the family. Ivy's mother being a woman of discipline refused to come to Ivy's house for babysitting. Ivy's mother took the initiative to invite Ivy's mother-in-law for babysitting. Ivy's mother-in-law came and took care of the baby since it was her duty but ivy wasn't happy.

Ivy Azuka realized that holding grudge with her husband was a waste of time. what is needed right now is corporation since there is not enough money to fund the upcoming naming ceremony of their dear baby Azuka so so she went to her husband and apologized for misunderstanding. Mr Scott Azuka accepted the apology and told her he loves her.

"my beloved wife, I knew you didn't mean to act that way just that you misunderstood. that was why I gave you space to realize the fault on your own. Do not think I don't love you I really do and I will never trade you for anything else".

Ivy was very happy and hugged her husband thanking him for his understanding.

"thanks sweetie. You're the best husband in the world".

"and about the babysitting issue am very sorry I was just carried away by anger and you know reflex action. I'm sorry I just hope grandmother will understand"

"never mind dearie, I'm sure Grandma will understand.I told her what happened at the hospital and operation issue and she said I shouldn't worry she would play along and act like nothing happened so you're safe. she knows it already so just to walk up to her and apologize so she will know you've realized your mistake". Smith consoled.

Ivy went to her mother in law and and apologized. Her mother in law accepted the apology and told her that she was already aware of the situation.

"my daughter, I am aware of the situation. Scott told me everything I knew you would come back and apologize. so my daughter go and sin no more😂 ". they both burst out laughing at themselves.

"so my daughter what's up with the naming ceremony?" her mother in law asked.

" Mama no money oo. my husband and I have decided to make it a parlour naming and then the people that attend it will be given biscuit and zobo. on the one year birthday we will now have a great party". she answered.

"Ahhhhhhh. Never, not when I am alive will u do my grandchild naming that way .first born for that matter. we will have to work hard".