It wasn’t the first time Mia had slept in his room in the past months, but it was the first time he woke up and didn’t find her in his arms.
He wanted to always wake up to her in his arms, sleeping soundly, mumbling sweet nothing. Then he would spend the first hour of waking, playing with her curly, coarse red hair. When she’d finally wake to stare at him with her adorable amber eyes kissed by the sun itself, he’d smile and greet her. Those routines got him ready for the day.
Waking up without her didn’t feel right. It sucked, and he didn’t like it.
He knew he’d have to let her go sooner than later and the very thought hurt him.
He had suggested the one-year agreement to her without thinking about what it meant. Mia was a creature of beauty both inside and out and he didn’t realise it then. If he did, he would have made their agreement longer than a year. It would have been selfish, but he would have had more time holding onto her.