The next few days flew faster than I expected, and soon it was Friday. I had one class with my students and after I closed up for the day, the next step was to pick up Zion from school.
Just like every day as I stepped out of the block, Daniel was already waiting for me to see me off to my car. "Are you ready for the night ahead?" he asked, sounding too eager and making me raise a brow at him.
"I can't say no, can I?" I raised a brow.
"You can't, Ms Adams. This is an only yes answer." he chuckled.
"Then yes I am," I answered.
"And Zion?" his concern always seem to warm my heart. It could be because he's expecting to get a chance with me someday, but it was always nice and comforting whenever he'd ask after Zion. He did more than some family members did.
"He would be with Diya. I already made plans."
He nodded impressed, "That's good."