CHAPTER 32: All for Godiya

  “If you feel it’s too much, you can always tell me to stop,” Diya spoke up.

  She was currently telling me how she wanted her wedding to go down. It was three days away and the bridal shower was tomorrow. I was her maid of honour and the most duties rested on my shoulder. Though we have planned for it, she was sceptical of my role worrying about my ability to deliver, considering everything going on in my life with Aaron, Zion and Daniel and work. Especially since the semester was ending.

  As much as she wanted everything working out as planned, she didn’t plan to overwork anyone. Contrary to her fear, I found no stress in this and I was eager to be the maid of honour. It was an honour for me and I felt excited to play my part. I had already made plans for Zion.