Aaron had ordered grilled beef while I was still asleep, so even when he made us pancake and creamed milk breakfast, he had himself sorted out. He served breakfast, and we sat at the table to eat. His pancake tasted delicious, and it was perfect with the milk. Yet, I wanted the grilled beef which he ate and when he noticed my longing stare at the piece in his hand; he offered it to me. Of course, I couldn’t take it. Zion sat at the table and I had always taught him this thing called contentment and wanted to lead by example. So, I shook my head and thanked him.
Aaron informed me he had also ordered clothes he could change into since he knew I had none in the house or I would have given them to him.
I had no issue with that, and I thanked him for breakfast before standing up. Today was a long day, and I had a few things to do. I had to start by cleaning up and bathing myself and Zion.