The semester which began not so long ago was almost in the middle now. The days were flying, and I was barely keeping up. This time last year, I was the sole guardian of my son Zion, with a little help from Diya’s parents, and yet I had my life under control. Now I had Aaron and his siblings, Lionel, Diya and her family helping with him, and yet I barely had anything under control.
Well, last year you didn’t have the man you call Aaron on your mind and body now and then, and you also weren’t aiming at a PhD.
True to that, but I wish I could get everything in check. Now I felt like a clumsy mother whose only care in the world was giving her boyfriend an orgasm anywhere and everywhere.
The sex was great and despite having told Aaron it was the last time the millionth time; it wasn’t. He wanted me and I wanted him, and saying no to him wasn’t an option.