CHAPTER 75: Things we do for love

  “There is no need to fret. You’ve been married for just three months Diya, it’s too early to declare yourself barren,” I said over the phone while arranging Zion’s lunchbox. The nanny offered to do it, but I told her I had it under control. I didn’t want to give up backing up after my son just yet. Though I knew Aaron had hired her to do the job, it was my joy to do this. We reached an agreement. I would get his lunch box ready on Mondays and Thursdays, and she could have the rest. Aaron didn’t seem too happy about that deal, but there was little to nothing he could do to change my mind.

  It sounded like a good deal to her because she didn’t object. She just nodded and had a big smile on her face.

  “We’ve been together for over six years and we were sexually active through these years, but not once did I miss my period. Of course, I would have room for concern,” she answered, and I could tell by her voice she had thought about this all night.

  “Have you told Greg about it?”