CHAPTER 86: The need to escape

  We stayed that way, and I cried until my head began to hurt. Aaron took me into his arms and brought me out of the hospital building. He placed me in the car and drove us home. When he stopped the car, he carried me into our room and then moved to draw me a quick bath. He ordered the cook to make us brunch as we hadn’t eaten yet.

  I didn’t have an appetite for food. I needed a bath and then coil up in a ball on the bed, but I said nothing as he gave the cooks instructions to follow.

  Once he finished setting the water, he came to the bed and helped me out of all my clothes before taking me into the bathroom and setting me down in the bathtub. I sighed and settled in as I felt an instant relief did the ache, but not for the pain of loss.

  “Thank you.” I moaned, my eyes lingering on him.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I took hold of his hand. “Join me.” I beckoned to him.

  He hesitated, “You’re sure?”